PM And Likud Party Chair Thanks Supporters And Call for Quick Establishment of New Government

likudFollowing a resounding victory for the Likud Party, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu thanked the people of Israel for their support and said that he would work quickly to establish the next government.

“Our country’s everyday reality doesn’t give us the luxury for delay. The citizens of Israel expect that we will act quickly and responsibly to establish a leadership that will work for them in areas of defense, the economy and society just as we promised in this campaign- and just like we will now set ourselves towards doing.”

Last evening, the Prime Minister spoke with the heads of all the parties he expects to include in the new government- Naftali Bennett, Moshe Kahlon, Avigdor Lieberman, Aryeh Deri, Yaakov Litzman and Moshe Gafni. The Prime Minister stressed his intention to immediately begin working to establish the government, with the specific goal of completing its establishment within two to three weeks.

(The number of seats may fluctuate. The Central Election Committee states the final numbers will be released Thursday morning, 28 Adar).

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Hotovely said that Netanyahu was indeed “trolling” for Jewish Home votes, but she justified it by saying that the Likud had no choice. “We did this out of great love for Jewish Home voters,” she wrote.

    “Our efforts saved the state from a leftist government, and will allow us to establish a right-wing government without surrendering to the media dictates that would have demanded a unity government” had Likud gotten fewer seats.

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