Right And Left-Wing Voters Went for the Sure Bet

DSC_0021Many continue reviewing the results of the elections for 20th Knesset in an effort to understand what occurred. For one thing, none of the pre-election polls predicted such a significant Likud victory.

It appears that voters began panicking on Election Day and decided to play it safe. There is evidence, based on the outcome; that right-wing voters feared the Labor/The Movement list would beat out Likud and the presidential mandate would then be given to Yitzchak Herzog. Fearing the possibility of a left-wing government, they abandoned Bayit Yehudi and Yachad and voted Likud, giving the prime minister his significant win with 30 seats.

On the left side of the political spectrum, voters who may have backed Labor/The Movement decided to play it safe. They voted for the sure thing for many feared Labor would not be setting up the next coalition. Hence they voted Yesh Atid, which earned 11 seats despite the many eulogies written for Yair Lapid’s party prior to elections. They are hopeful Yesh Atid will be a component of the newly forming coalition.

(The number of seats may fluctuate. The Central Election Committee states the final numbers will be released Thursday morning, 28 Adar).

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. It seems the left media bias (intentional or not), which would want to project an image of labor’s success and likud’s downfall, shot itself in the foot by causing right-panic.

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