How Many Votes Were Trashed?

yishaiaCentral Election Committee officials report that 174,843 votes went into the trash, votes that went to parties that failed to meet the minimum threshold to enter the 20th Knesset. 118,368 of those votes went to Eli Yishai’s Yachad party, which received 2.95% of the vote. It required 3.25% to enter Knesset, an additional 11,000 votes.

Once again, as in a number of past elections, the Alei Yarok pro-marijuana party did not meet the minimum threshold, earning almost 1% of the vote this time, 38,264 votes. The others that did not enter Knesset earned an insignificant number of votes.

A total of 26 parties competed in the elections, of which ten will enter the 20th Knesset.

(The number of seats may fluctuate. The Central Election Committee states the final numbers will be released Thursday morning, 28 Adar).

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. If all the “Chareidi” parties joined together, they could have an amazing large, influential voting block. But the fractures in both Ashkenaz and Sfard groups, every tiny faction giving different advice, leads this LARGE group to have very little influence. Other groups had “joint Lists”, including the Zionist Union comprised of Leftist groups. Why no a ache us in the Frum groups?

  2. Funny that you guys are worried about that now and not before the elections when you couldn’t stop bashing deri and being a cheerleader for the yachad party.

  3. The voters Alei Yarok pro-marijuana party came a day late to vote, but no worries the party leaders responded saying: “duuuuuuude that’s messsssssed uuuppppppp…. Whatever….”

  4. I can understand a party being pro marijuana… as ONE of their items! But how can that be their ONLY agenda!?

    There are so many issues! Economy, safety, Iran, Palestinians….. How can their only thing be “weed”?

    On second thought….

    Imagine if everyone voted for them…. It would be such a chilled oout country! No more yelling! The knesset would be so loving and relaxed…. Duuuude…. Do you think chareidim should be in the military? Whatever Duuuude…. Ookkkkkkk…. That’s keewwwwwllll…. Yeeeeaaahhhh….. Anyone have pretzels I have the munchies, Yeeeeaaahhhh…. Soooo ummmm like maybe we should give the Arabs tel aviv…. U know…. Like as their own country…. Keewwwwwllll… Yeah….

  5. #2. Because they are all interested in their own group first. Who will get the bigger piece of the pie, in both money and positions in the government.

  6. Alei Yarok is MORE than just pro-marijuana. They also want to legalize hash and prostitution.

    Aviznewz: that was kewl! YOU are kewl!

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