HATE: Bnai Sephardim Shul In Hollywood Florida Defaced With Anti-Semitic Graffiti


Anti-semitic graffiti was found painted on the walls of the B’Nai Sephardim Synagogue in Hollywood Florida on Tuesday.

“(Expletive removed) the Jews” and “We’re watching you” were scrawled on the building.

“(This is the) first time it has happened,” Rabbi Leol Benhamu, told Local 10. “To see such a horrible scripture, a horrible thing — unfortunately, I don’t know why.”

Benhamu said someone entered the area of the synagogue still under construction sometime Monday night, with a can of spray paint in hand, went out of the way to paint the hateful messages.

Hollywood Police are increasing their presence in the area, and an investigation is underway.

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(Chaim Shaprio – YWN)

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