Yishai Remains Secluded at Home

yishaiaEfforts to get a statement or an interview with Yachad leader Eli Yishai on Wednesday morning 27 Adar have been futile as he remains locked in at home in his Har Nof apartment. The press was out early in the morning to catch Yishai as he headed to shul, but he did not leave his apartment.

There can be no doubt Yishai is scratching his head in an effort to understand how the pollsters erred. He lacked 20,000 votes to reach the minimum threshold to enter Knesset, and now, he is view as being responsible for taking seats from both Shas and Yahadut Hatorah. His failure to enter Knesset results in about 120,000 votes being trashed, votes that would have earned additional seats for the chareidi parties.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

24 Responses

  1. Deri is the only one guilty over here. Going on and on about how terrible Yishai is, thats the only thing that caused the party not to cross the threshold.

    BTW the votes were not lost, had Yachad crossed the threshold likud, gimmel, and possibly shas would have all lost a seat. so the seats are still there just not with shas.

  2. It’s easy to understand. Many people feared a left-wing government and changed their vote to Likud. Bayit Yehudi lost seats over that too. When the IDF vote is counted, hopefully Yishai will get enough votes from there to get him in.

  3. What do you want him to say? There’s nothing for him to say. It’s water under the bridge. It’s lost. Nothing can reverse it. He tried and it didn’t work out.

    This is the result of machlokes. Deri and Yishai fighting resulted in this major loss. It’s everyone’s loss. If Deri doesn’t make up Yishai will run again and everyone may again lose.

  4. This is so sad-Yishi and Chetborn were people who stood up for their principles, they should have gotten in!!!!

  5. “and now, he is view as being responsible for taking seats from both Shas and Yahadut Hatorah. His failure to enter Knesset results in about 120,000 votes being trashed, votes that would have earned additional seats for the chareidi parties”

    Next time

  6. The reality of the situation is this

    Devash – Yishai took about one and a half mandates from Shas voters who went with him, so Shas would have certainly got 1 and possibly 2 seats more.

    shalomh/Happy Olah – Shas is Rav Ovadia’s party , why do you have difficulty in understanding that?

    And had Rav Auerbach recommended his team to vote UTJ would have got another mandate.

    As hockintherock says Next time: Next time vote Shas and UTJ

  7. Per a rumour I’ve heard (and it’s only a rumour – I don’t have any confirmation yet), Yachad is planning on contesting the disqualification of about 14,000 votes for them. They believe that there were a number of dirty tricks pulled to disqualify these ballots – and if they’re counted, Yachad would be over the threshhold.

    Like I said, nothing authoritative here – I heard this from an individual who’s involved with Yachad, but not in an official capacity.

    an Israeli Yid

  8. It’s far from a perfect world. Yishai and his party are great guys with solid Daas Torah. It’s a shame.

    I do not at all see Deri as a guy who listens to Daas Torah. Period.

  9. jerusalem mom,

    well said

    Mr.Shaviv, The strategist for Netanyahu, said that in the final days they turned to the Right telling them the PM is in jeopardy-and it worked

    Enough Yachad voters [and others] were scared of Netanyahu losing

  10. Eli Yishai and Yoni Chetborn are ehriliche Yidden.

    Anyone willing to lend $100 to Deri?
    Would you buy a second hand car from Deri?

  11. I voted Yachad & I don’t regret it. There is no way I would vote for corrupt Shas, or Gimmel, who are blinkered, inflexible, rigid, & anti-women’s/victims rights. I agree wholeheartedly with Dovid2 (#21). Next time, if Yishai surrounds himself with better advisors, they will win a nice amount of seats.

  12. computerizedbubby #23: Or next time the votes might go down the same drain they went down this time when three or four Chareidi seats were lost to a party that didn’t get in.

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