Chetboun Responds to Scathing Verbal Assault

chetMK Yoni Chetboun, who is running on the Yachad list, was interviewed on Radio 100 FM. He was interviewed by David Ben-Best.


Rabbi David Yosef Shlita of the Shas Torah Council said you’re a pig that shed its hooves and announced ‘I am kosher’.

How would you like to comment on this?


David, what would you like me to say?

Ben-Best, who did not understand how Chetboun would not respond added “What is this. You are a pig! This is what they said about you.


Permit me to tell you clearly. I am the last person who will insult talmidei chachamim. This is who I am and this is the path of the Yachad party.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. With “Rabbis” like these. No derech Eress, nothing classy about them. No wonder many go off the derech because many of the youth see these Rabbis and leaders just as politicians all worried about their salaries, positions and Kavod.

  2. Taken out of context. If he made these comments, he is alluding to the famous example of someone who is not genuine – not that he is a pig. Any honest person understands this.

  3. Even as a hardcore gimmelnik, I gotta say that the conduct of Yishai and Chetboun has been a pleasant change from the norm throughout the election season. I really hope they end up in the government.

  4. Yoni Chetboun is a first class mentch! He obviously had a very good Chinuch growing up & had good Rebbeim in Yeshiva. A person who stands up for Kavod Hatorah. Kol Hakavod to him.

  5. It is a Mitzvah DeOrisah to listen and respect Talmedai Chachamim. But Rabbis? It is mentioned that of all the categories of Erev Rav the category of “Rabbis” is the most dangerous. In one place they are called SHADIM KADOSHIM, holy demons. I do not believe that our sages were referring to “Rabbi” Sally or the like but to those who have perverted their learning for personal gain.

  6. And this is why I am voting Yachad – because it’s a party with classy candidates who have integrity. Shas disgusts me.

  7. Not getting involved: Now if only those doing the name calling would act appropriately too and stop making asinine comments, maybe that would actually bring kavod to the Torah.

  8. If all the facts in the report are really true, then Chetboun is better than all the rest. I hope he makes it into the Knesset in a big way and eventually becomes the PM. He seems to be a real mentch and has the ability to makes sure that Israel stands for Torah again.

    Your time stamp is really off. It is now 2 hours after Shabbos.

  9. The lack of kavod hatorah in some of these comments signifies people any frum party should be embarrassed to have as voters.

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