VIDEO: Maran HaRav Ovadia’s Heritage is Not a Political Party, But a Derech


The following video was released by Eli Yishai days ahead of elections for 20th Knesset, filmed entirely at 45 Kablan Street, Yerushalayim, the home of Rav Ovadia.

Yachad party leader Eli Yishai reflects back to the years, almost 20 as he put it, that he merited to be in the daled amos of the gadol hador, Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L. Yishai describes how he came daily for minyan, to consult with Maran, receive a bracha, to laugh and to cry – the special invitations he and his rebitzen received on Shabbos when she needed a chizuk.

Maran is seen speaking about Yishai, referring to him as “a son”, telling Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that “When Yishai speaks, it is my words”.

Yishai’s speaks of the years he merited by at the side of a rav/posek “who is one in a generation”, concluding that “Maran’s heritage is not a political party but a derech.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Sorry for being cynical but it is so appropriate for this to come out right before the elections…. Now let’s see a video showing HaRav Ovadia’s love for Deri…. Oh! I’m sorry! How can I forget! Yeshiva World is in Yachad’s camp!

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