Rav Amnon Yitzchak: Don’t Vote in Upcoming Elections

amnRabbi Amnon Yitzchak Shlita has instructed his followers not to vote in the upcoming elections for 20th Knesset. “We won’t be a part of the machlokes and we will not be punished” explains the rav.

Rav Amnon made his statement during a shiur, attacking the Shas party, which he blames for being at the heart of the machlokes.

The rav stated, “We will not vote at all, not for any party, not religious, chareidi or secular. We will not be a part of your machlokes and we will not receive your punishment as hundreds of geonim and gedolei torah who are not fearful in light of the warnings of those who are more concerned with the good of their party and not what benefits the Klall.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Kind of contradictory to what he did just short years ago, when he made a party based on the words of Rav Steinman that “We can bring more people in, who would’ve voted Chareidi”… no?

  2. Unless someone is opposed to the medinah, and desires a controversy that will probably serious injure the state as well as the hareidi population – BOYCOTTING AN ELECTION IS DUMB.

    If he think Shas isn’t nationalistic enough, support Yachad. If you think Shas isn’t frum enough, for for Yahadut ha-Torah. If you want to make sure the government goes through with its plans to lock up tens of thousands of frum Jews and to close down the non-zionist yeshivos, abstain.

  3. Just to correct a point made in a comment above- the government has never ever said it would lock up tens of thousands of Yeshiva guys for not joining the army. That is a misconception, being used to manipulate, that is part of why this Rav has had enough. Certain Ravs have told their followers not to FILE FOR EXEMPTIONS from the army, not to do that paperwork, that makes them AWOL, which then makes them subject to arrest. This hard line makes them popular they hope. Interestingly, the Israeli press has shown that ALL of those Ravs close relatives and friends have filed those exemptions! So there is a reason for throwing your hands up in the air.

  4. as someone who listened to him speak he calls rav shteinman his maran then shas betrayed him. and he has a chip on his shoulder for rav mazuz…

    soo i wouldve assumed he wouldve recommended gimmel…
    r amnon yitzchak is smart and even has charisma..
    but after having gone to his event i can honestly say he is not entirely coming for a psychologically healthy or balanced place…

    soo take his phenomena not too seriously….

  5. listen to his whole explanation- 10 minutes on his website- of course the heart of the government and all events are under the control of hashem-

  6. Did he say the same thing when he was running? If you don’t vote, you get what you deserve and lose your right to complain about it.

    As in any election, you take the best option available and with the Israeli system, you have a lot more to choose from, for better or worse.

  7. I greatly respect Rav Yitzchak but we need every religious vote!!!He doesn’t have to publically support any party but telling them not to vote puts the state dangerously in the hands of the self-hating,anti-religious leftists to the detriment of all us frum in Israel!

  8. Ridiculous
    Already,in last election when decided to run and perhaps squander a few thousand votes and make himself foolish,it was presumed by those in the inside ,that his “Court” is festered with fellas’ working for the GSS

    Their old axiom:

    Divide et impera

    Divide and conquer

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