New App Created to Track all your Maaser and Tzedaka in One Place

Vertical is an “all-in-one” maaser and tzedaka platform.  You are able to donate directly to your favorite organizations, use the advanced program that tracks your donations and maaser, and record donations given outside the program.  This way you can track all your maaser and tzedaka in one place, wherever it’s given.

With Giving613 you can easily manage your recurring donations, receive your tax-deductible receipts from the listed organizations, view graphs and tzedaka distributions, easily send tax-information to your accountant, and more.  You can open an anonymous account, donate anonymously, or send dedications.

Anyone can easily keep track of their maaser – from the seasoned philanthropist, to those starting for the first time – there’s something for everyone at Giving613.  Under one dashboard, you can give to a wide range of Jewish organizations, local or abroad.  No matter your income range, every dollar is worth millions.

Giving613 is the place to harness global efforts in support of Torah and Chessed institutions worldwide.  This is a unique opportunity to grow and share.

Sign up now at! is a new Jewish crowdfunding platform for a wide range of Jewish causes around the world. Giving613 will be launching a worldwide campaign to support Torah and Chessed organizations.


Making its pre-launch in Eretz Israel, some of the largest tzedaka institutions in Israel have already joined Giving613, from Yeshivas to Kollels, to Kiruv institutions, including Vaad HaRabbanim L’inyanei Tzedaka, Ezer M’Zion, and Meir Panim.

“I recommend that those that can take advantage of these services, do so, to be able to direct greater support of worthy Torah institutions that are in dire need of contributions.” – Rabbi Zev Leff, shlita

Sign up now for the pre-release at

“My friends ask me how I can earn so much money.  There’s only one answer.  Financial advisors are important, and a good business sense doesn’t hurt.  It helps to have loyal employees, too.  But the main key to success is… giving maasser.  It isn’t a game.  It’s a formula that proves itself.” – Lev Leviev (Mishpacha, Issue 130)

Visit our Q&A section on how to give maaser the right way: the Torah’s prescription for wealth.

Jewish organizations around the world can now apply to join, including yeshivas, kollels, seminaries, shuls, tzedaka organizations, soup kitchens, medical services, other Jewish education, and more – from your local shul to your yeshiva in Eretz Yisrael.  Contact [email protected] to apply.

To receive an announcement for the full-release, sign up today or email at [email protected]


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