Deri: I Will Support Removing Isolated Yishuvim

deriDuring an interview with Channel 20, Shas party leader Aryeh Deri stated there are major ideological differences between Shas and the left-wing regarding their political views. However, he stated that if it becomes relevant, he would support the removal of isolated yishuvim in Yehuda and Shomron.

Earlier, Mrs. Edna Bar-Shalom, who is on the Shas Women’s Council commented she fears the establishment of an extremist right-wing government. “We do not want a binational nation. If we permit the current reality to continue, that is where we are headed. Much blood has been spilled and every number of years there is another war. The only solution is two states for two nations. The more time permitted to pass the worse the agreement will be” she stated.

Bar-Shalom, a daughter of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L, added that if there is a “political process in the next government”, Shas, Deri and the faction MKs will push it along as much as they can for this was the path of Maran Rav Ovadia. “The only one who did not continue in abba’s path is Eli Yishai” she stated, adding, “Abba loved Yishai but he did not love his right-wing views. Yishai has aligned with those who visit Har Habayis, which abba prohibited. Those who visit Har Habayis cause more bloodshed”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. Shas (and Yahadut ha-Torah) will support any government that ends the “war” against the hareidi communities, and in particular the threat of using “criminal sanctions” against yeshivos and their students for refusing to serve in the army. If this scares the nationalists (Likud and Bayit Yehudi) they should announce their intention of repealing the law and either exempting yeshiva students, or perhaps abolishing conscription. While it is unlikely to come to it, if Labor and Likud form a coaltion which starts rounding up yeshiva students and closing down the non-zionist yeshivos, Shas and Yahadut ha-Torah would probably end being forced to ally with the Arabs – prefering a single Arab state that allows Torah to a nominally Jewish ones that persecutes Bnei Torah.

    Once the “gun” pointed at the head of the yeshiva world is removed, one can then ask about such matters as “one state/binational” versus “two states, one Jewish, one Arab”, boundaries, etc.

  2. Shas, Deri and the faction MKs will push it along as much as they can for this was the path of Maran Rav Ovadia. “The only one who did not continue in abba’s path is Eli Yishai” she stated

    With all due respect the video of Rav Ovadia he himself said quite the opposite. But then again we’re not supposed to pay attention to that video because… ummm… well gedolim are always known for saying the exact opposite of what they really believe while they know they are being recorded just for the fun of it right? I mean what better things do they really have to be doing with their time.

    Moreover it’s well known after the results of Oslo Chacham Ovadia changed his mind and he even cursed Sharon for uprooting Gush Katif. I don’t care whose daughter you are, being willing to kick our Jewish brothers out of their homes to appease our bloodthirsty enemies is sickening.

  3. Rav Ovadia, Rav Shach, and countless other Gedolim said that if we give land and we get peace, then we must give land.

  4. and if Likud and Bayit Yehudi continue to insist on conscripting non-zionist hareidim and on punishing their yeshivos, Shas and Degel ha-Torah will need to ally with whomever is offering to end the war on the hareidim.

  5. To Bogen:
    These shoddy deals didnt bring any peace since camp david and jordan. The palestinians are just a bunch of terrorist organizations,i.e. PLO hamas etc and have no intentions of peace.

  6. #3. That was with the assumption that we would get peace, which was proven wrong and Rav Ovadia Yosef, ZT”L, said so on tape that it was wrong and retracted his position after realizing that the Arabs definition of peace differs greatly from ours..

    Deri has his own agenda.

  7. Arabs are Ishmaelites and many of them are Amalek.

    The Arabs are not interested in a two state solution. They don’t want any Israel on the map. They throw celebrations and candies when Jews are being murdered by them. They portray terrorist as heros. They stabbed, bombed, kidnapped and driven over our children, infants, brothers and sisters for countless times. They were digging tunnels for almost a decade in attempt to massacre the Jewish nation. Who are we making peace with and who are we giving OUR land to?
    Their will only be peace once the Yidden occupy all of Erez Israel again.

  8. The idea is great. The reality is that land for peace is a tested and proven epic failure. The gedolim said to give back land only if it brings peace, not to give the terrorists new fronts. And for anyone ego watched the video, Rav Ovadia didn’t say a word against Deri. He said that since people view him negatively, since he was convicted, it would lose votes to bring him back. He didn’t express his personal opinions of Deri, he was just being pragmatic. Anyone who is blasting Deri due to the video didn’t watch it our get what was going on. Btw, that video it’s the mainstay of Yishai’s campaign, after he claimed he didn’t release it.

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