Rochester, NY: Firefighter Recruit Fired For Jew-Bashing

fireA fire recruit in New York has been fired after posting a video containing offensive remarks.

Joel Ramirez was fired by the Rochester Fire Department after officials received information about the video that contained anti-Semitic language.

“…The recruit recently participated in an online video containing insensitive remarks. The Rochester Fire Department is a well-respected, professional and inclusive organization. Recruit Fire Fighters (sic) are trained to be professional at all times and to respect the diversity of their fellow Fire Fighters (sic) and all of the residents they are sworn to protect and serve…” according to a statement issued by the department.

“The actions of the recruit in question did not rise to the high standards set by the Rochester Fire Department, which prompted his termination under the terms of his probationary employment,” James Smith, City of Rochester Director of Communications, told WHAM reporters.


2 Responses

  1. From the video it is not so clear he was ‘bashing’ Jews. He was making a little skit and it went along with his skit. Seems a tad like an overreaction..

  2. Justice has been served.
    If a recruit would have made offensive remarks about people of Hispanic origin, this same Joel Ramirez would have demanded that recruit’s firing.
    So the Rochester Fire Department was straight and honest when they terminated his probation.
    I applaud that fire department
    for having the integrity as well as the guts to rid itself of a looming cancerous growth!
    Bravo Rochester!

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