Askanim And Rabbonim Prevented Mrs. Adina Bar-Shalom from Running for Knesset

absAfter announcing she is not running for Knesset, Mrs. Adina Bar-Shalom, a daughter of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L announced her unconditional support for the Shas party. However, at a kenos for women last week in Orot Yisrael College Mrs. Bar-Shalom’s remarks reflected an entirely different reality.

She was part of a panel addressing an audience of 500 people. Also on the panel were MKs Tzipi Hotevely, Dr. Aliza Lavie, Orit Struk and Ruth Colin of the “In Their Merit” party. The left-wing Meretz party refused to send a representative because it was hosted on campus, in Elkana in Shomron.

When speaking from her heart to the panel, Mrs. Bar-Shalom revealed that askanim and rabbonim prevented her from joining the Knesset race. She did not mention names but hinted to rabbonim from Shas.

She explained she is not a personality like the Chazon Ish and therefore, she, the daughter of a rabbi cannot be the cause of such machlokes among the rabbonim and askanim. She explained a woman who does not wish to make do with being represented by a chareidi party that does not permit women and is then thrown out of the chareidi community.

“Hence, the entire shlichus on behalf of the chareidi chevra have gone down the drain. I was unable to accept this so I decided as I did, hoping my words would penetrate the hearts of the rabbonim, my brothers and sisters to advance them in the correct forum”.

She simply explained that if she entered the race for Knesset, she would have been blacklisted and her efforts over the years would be for naught.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. she was always a rebel to her father; he had tzar gidul banim from her. She’s a bit of a hot head; I know someone that she drove over which has a prosthetic leg from that accident and she paid them off so they don’t go to court but nearly not as much as they deserve but they’re very eidel pple that didn’t wanna make a ruckus about it so a mother in her 40’s is walking around with a prosthetic leg cus of her.

  2. #2
    1. you are assuming that the rabbonim who back Deri after her father called him a rasha and a person who can not be trusted are wiser than she is. Maybe, maybe not.

    2. women sometimes see things differently. maybe it is time for the frum people to have a women in knesset.

  3. If Shas has a bad outing this year (which means that Deri is “out”), and the remnants don’t want to be just another faction within Yahadut ha-Torah (which was what Shas was before there was a Shas, albeit without any MKs), she would be an ideal person to lead Shas in the Knesset.

  4. #4
    Arguably it is prohibited by Halacha for women to serve in knesset and/or other positions of Authority
    cf.Devorim 17:15 commentaries

    Are you aware that

    Rav Kook was opposed to women voting at all

  5. ‘ more women than men said that they intend to vote for haredi parties Shas and UTJ, which do not include women at all. Asked if the fact that a party includes a large precentage of female candidates would make them more likely to vote for it – 61% answered in the negative, and 29% said “yes.”

    When asked if they would support a party whose platform includes issues that are important to women, however – 53% said that this would increase the chance that they would support the party, while 41% said it would not’

  6. In person I heard Mrs. Adina Bar-Shalom delivering a mesmerizing Hesped for her illustrious Father ZT’L, and it is very lamentable that she won’t be in the next Knesset.

  7. To #4 about time.
    I wud very much like to know ur source of R Cook re women not voting.
    R u for real? Then please back up ur comment.
    If u do produce it Id be much obliged.

  8. To Geula:
    Terrible to hear about the woman who she ran over, injured, and did not properly compensate.

    However, I was startled that you condemned her for being a hot head, considering the family she comes from — a family of hot heads!

    So, it’s OK for her father and brothers, but not for her?

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