Vishnitzer Rebbe Trying to Prevent Yerushalmi Faction Election Boycott

hagThe secretary of the Agudas Yisrael Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael, Rabbi Mordechai Stern, has been working behind the scenes to prevent the Yerushalmi faction from boycotting the upcoming elections for 20th Knesset as it plans. Rav Stern has been maintaining a connection with the faction headed by HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita, albeit behind the scenes, and now, with a bit over a week until elections, he is working to prevent a voting boycott which could cost Yahadut Hatorah a seat.

The Vishnitzer Rebbe Shlita is instructing Rabbi Stern’s every move amid his tenacious efforts to bridge the gap and get Yerushalmi faction members out to vote. Barring any last minutes changes, the rebbe is expected to visit Rav Auerbach on Monday, 18 Adar, accompanied by Rav Stern in another effort to work out the necessary issues so Rav Auerbach will permit his followers to vote.

Kikar Shabbos adds the rebbe tried visiting Rav Auerbach last Monday but the requested was declined by Rav Auerbach.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Rav Auerbach Shlita knows what the Viznitzer Rebbe wants. The Rov’s time is valuable so why waste it on meeting with someone whose requests he cannot accede to?

  2. If you favor destroying the medinah, it is rationale to boycott. The more anti-Torah the medinah gets, the closer it comes to be destroyed. Indeed, Yahadut ha-Torah and Shas are trying to save the medinah by cancelling the conscription “gezerah”. The alternative is for the IDF to start mass arrests, closing down yeshivos, building deterntion camps for the sutdents and rabbanim being interned in them – and let Israel appear to the world as a bunch of bigots, causing the rest of the world, in the name of human rights, to decide to support the Arabs in their goal of establishing a non-zionist state. To most of the non-Muslim world, the only justification for supporting the zionists in their dispossession of the Palestinians is to create a Jewish home, and if Jews are fleeing Israel to request asylum elsewhere, and being locked up in camps in Israel for being too Jewish and wanting to learn Torah instead of killing Arabs, that justification will vanish and the Israelis will be treated as a threat to international peace (and a few well placed bombs, and the medinah is history).

  3. The litvishe world can learn from the vishnitzer rebbe on how to make sholem, so he is the right person to go.

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