MK Maklev’s Aide Says ‘No Thanks’ to 80,000 NIS to Adhere to Psak Halacha

cashYaakov Morganwasser, an aide to MK Uri Maklev, was presented with an offer on erev Shabbos Shushan Purim. Givir Yaakov Sholom Ashkenazi, a Satmar Chossid, officer him 80,000 NIS cash to immediately stop working for the Yahadut Hatorah election campaign.

“I entered the home of Rav Ashkenazi, who is a grandson of Rav Meilech Ashkenazi of New York and he offered the money on condition I stop working for the campaign immediately until the elections. There were four bundles of 20,000 NIS each, 200 NIS bills. I was shocked to see this and it was most enticing” Yaakov told Ladaat News.

The decision was placed in the hands of Maran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita a few minutes after the offer was made and it is reported the Gadol hador instructed the young Morganwasser to pass on accepting the money and continuing to work for Yahadut Hatorah. Morganwasser requested from his friend Rav Yitzchak Wiesel to bring the question to the Rosh Yeshiva. He was told “Lose the money to be MeKadesh Shem Shomayim”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

18 Responses

  1. You have to give great credit that Satmar certainly places its money in its halachic mouth. Whatever their shitta is, they are certainly willing to lose money to uphold their halachic values. While only Brisk, Toldos Ahron and a few others agree with Satmar’s shitta that participating in the elections is assur, only Satmar pays.

  2. I don’t understand this news item. It all sounds so shady, why was he bribing him to stop working on the campaign? Sounds to me more like a chillul hashem than anything else.It’s mamash sick.

  3. Do we wish for a semi Eretz Yisroel? or a potential

    Their and Our Destiny in the voters’ minds and hands.

  4. Lior- If you know anything about the Yeshiva’s matzav in E’Y you would know that even though Satmar doesnt take money directly from the government, they get the government money in there own way. Brisk is the only one that actually doesn’t get the money. This didn’t happen when Rav yoel zatzal was around but bzam hazeh this is what happens.

  5. #5 – nothing hidden here at all. Satmar say that it is ossur to take part in the Israeli elections. Anyone who encourages other to do so, l’fi that shita, is oyver aveiros. Satmar are prepared to pay people not to sin. Isn’t someone who openly encourages chillul Shabbos worth stopping?

  6. Yosi7

    I love the way people hide behind the cloak of the internet. You can bash, shame, fabricate and lie. Fact, you don’t know of any satmar taking money from the israeli govt. If yes, you would’ve used examples with proof. If you can’t provide it’s a blatant shamefull lie. Not that you won’t find a satmar hasid that doesn’t take money, just like sadly there is no society without crime, no person without sinning, no person that’s perfect. Some on one way others in another. But what you are doing is just shameful and regretfully hate mongering.

  7. joe shmoe- I am not bashing, shaming, or fabricating lies about Satmar. I do not dislike Satmar CH”V, they are great baalei chesed etc. that does not mean that Satmar is perfect. The truth of the matter is Satmar yeshivas get indirect money from the government. Look up online the 15 million dollars that Satmar sent to their yesehivas in E”Y when the government cut some funding. If they weren’t getting any funding, why did they need to send 15 million more? (That is public info…look it up online). My point was not against Satmar as a whole just that they are inconsistent in this regard.

  8. #1
    I completely disagree. This is what I’m amazed at all the time. How they speak against taking money from the government; but please visit the schools they supposedly support and see how run down the buildings are. I personally work in most chareidi institutions in yerushalayim and am amazed at the poverty level of these school; they can’t afford the smallest things a school needs to run on. They like to give it when it makes a statement. In reality they are not interested in supporting the kanaus mosdos here and don’t really. I really wonder what they think; so lets say if all the mosdos stop taking money. They’re gonna rely on them?????????????????????

  9. #8
    since you’re satmar let me explain.
    Satmar travel el al…. Satmar go to Meron where security is from the govt… Satmar come here and support the government/tourism like everyone else. The only thing they don’t do is daven at the heiligst place in the world; the Kosel Haamaravi: cus leman hashem; it’s supporting the medina of kochi veotzim yadi. In essence they’re the only pple in the world that believe that the kosel belong to the chayalim where as the rest of the world realize how they have nothing to do with it. And hashem gave it to us. But yes, for those that have such a hard time seeing that hashem gave it to us; they don’t belong at a place as holy as this. All in all, the satmar shita is completely irrelevant today at least. Let them all open up a daf gemara and stop talking kanaus because they’re totally hypocritical by doing that cus they too support this govt.

  10. Yosi7: You are factually 100% inaccurate. The Satmar mosdos do not take directly or indirectly a single shekel in government funding. Period.

    geula: Satmar never requested those services or protection. If the government wants to do it that’s it prerogative. If they don’t, Satmar never complained or asked for it.

  11. Let me see if I understands this: You want to do something that is assur, you call the Satmar treasurer’s office, they pay you not to do it. Can someone give me their number or e-mail address. I’m thinking of marrying a gentile. (They don’t have any Pincus-type zealots, do they?)

  12. Question: where does the Satmar cash come from? Is it from Tzedakah that is raised for Satmar Mosdos & shuls,,, ? what money is used for full -page ads in papers for demos against Bibi?

    Where & who is donating this money when Mosdos have crumbling paint, old electrical wiring, lack of guards, no books for Talmidim???

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