Obama: Netanyahu Offers No Viable Alternative To Iran Talks


President Barack Obama says Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (neh-ten-YAH’-hoo) didn’t offer any “viable alternatives” to the nuclear negotiations with Iran during his speech to Congress.

Obama says he read a transcript of Netanyahu’s speech Tuesday. He says “there was nothing new” in the speech.

Obama says Netanyahu made almost the same speech when he warned against the interim deal reached with Iran. Obama says that deal has resulted in a freeze and rolling back of Iran’s nuclear program.

Obama says Netanyahu’s alternative to the talks amounts to no deal at all. He says that would lead Iran to redouble efforts to build a nuclear bomb.

In his speech, Netanyahu said the deal would all but guarantee that Iran gets nuclear weapons.

Obama spoke in the Oval Office alongside Defense Secretary Ash Carter.


13 Responses

  1. “He says that would lead Iran to redouble efforts to build a nuclear bomb…” so you retriple your efforts to stop them otherwise your a total cop-out.

  2. The US could offer a treaty guaranteeing that if Israel is nuked, the offending country would be “terminated with extreme prejudice” and that the US will recognize Israeli sovereignity over the West Bank, with permission to deport non-citizens. To be credible, the US would have to station forces in Israel.

    How much the US would charge Israel for such a guarantee is a diferent question. It in effect would guarantee the survival of the yishua, but end the zionist dream of n independent Jewish state, since Israel would de facto be a protectorate (a polite way of saying an American colony).

  3. The reason there was “nothing new” in the speech was in deference to Obama’s own staff, Sec. of State,John Kerry, who begged the PM not to give away any secrets in his speech. His speech was designed to stimulate Congress to demand details of any deal that Obama/Kerry have up their sleeves.
    Be’H, it will.
    As far as “viable alternatives”, Obama’s incessant stalling in dealing with the threat (and how many “slip-ups” in disclosing Israel’s plans, we’ll never know), since the start of his tenure, has certainly decreased the viable alternatives.

  4. A Kenyan!
    Ken-you just laugh at the ridiculous way this whole thing was handled?
    It behooves me to figure out how this happened : we’re talking about such a serious matter yet the handling seems akin to kindergarteners having a squabble.
    When will anyone of these people look at the whole picture! It’s frightening!
    We need another Ness Purim.

  5. A stupid picture of a stupid man.
    Obummer is not, never was, and never will be a REAL leader of such a great nation as America is.
    Obummer’s agenda for America is personal. He wants to live a freebee life after the next election at the expense of the American citizen while he pats himself on the back for what he thinks he has done.
    What has he done? He has totally messed up the free way of life in America, pushing his agenda so government has more control over the people. This guy just wants to make the United States of America a Socialist State. He wants government to control the people, not people controlling the government.
    Obummer grew up as a radical and inwardly he has not changed.
    I also believe that inwardly he hates the State of Israel as well as all that it stands for. The only reason he supports Israel is because he wants to keep his job and pension.
    Obummer, retire now. Go home and play with the marbles that are falling out of your head.

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