Israel: Meat Delivery Arrives with a Swastika on a Package

meatA kibbutz in Israel received a regular meat delivery, meat with kashrus certification from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, meat that originates in Brazil. The kitchen staff was shocked that when they opened a sealed carton one of the packages inside had a swastika painted on it in blue, apparently affixed to the bag in S. America. It is added that it is equally shocking that none of the Chief Rabbinate mashgichim found the swastika despite the expectation they inspect all cartons before being sealed and shipped.

Local radio personality Tzion Ratzon told Kikar Shabbos the kibbutz in question is totally secular, adding residents “are very far from Yiddishkheit” but they were no less shocked to see the swastika when they opened the carton.

Chief Rabbinate of Israel officials report they are unfamiliar with the incident and they will check into it.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. That there are anti semites the world over we know. Eisov soynei l’Yaakov. What is more troubling is that the mashgichim either did not check what went into the box before it was sealed or didn’t care using the profound Israeli logic that their job it to look after kashrus not inspect what is written on the packages. And if there is an anti semite at the packing stage, who says there is not one at some other point. How awake are the mashgichim to what may happen there?

  2. We should thank whomever it was that did this. May people have questioned the reliability of this supervision for years. Let us hope this will be embarrassing enough that there will be stricter supervision.

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