Satmar Planning a Protest Against PM Netanyahu’s Congressional Address

satAs Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu plans to address the US Congress, Satmar Chassidim are planning a major protest to coincide with that address. The Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg Shlita is planning a major protest against the prime minister and his address. The rebbe calls for a meting of rabbonim to address the worrisome matter, as he feels the prime minister is acting irresponsibility in his defiance of US President Barack Obama and his address is liable to lead to increased anti-Semitism around the world. The rebbe is particularly angered over the fact the prime minister states he speaks on behalf of the Jewish People.

The rebbe is planning a major gathering outside the Israeli Consulate in downtown Manhattan at the time the prime minister addresses Congress on Tuesday, 12 Adar.

The rebbe made his remarks during a dinner of the chassidus in Boro Park attended by thousands of avreichim.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

55 Responses

  1. To me it’s clear who is acting irresponsibly.

    Did he really trust Obama that he cares more about Yidden and US interests than Muslims interests? – Isn’t congress also ‘elected officials’ who should be respected?

  2. I Dont Remember The Satmar Rebbe Protesting when Some Neturai Karta Met With Iranians in Iran who challenged if the Holocaust really happened while they call for the physical destruction of Israel!

  3. Predictable Satmar…… During our Shushan crisis Satmar would have rallied against Queen Esther .

    The rest of the olem should engage in TEHILLIM.

  4. With all due respect, although he may disagree, however by drawing more attention to this matter by having chasidim protesting Netanyahu’s efforts in protecting the Yidden is counter productive. It is an outright Chilul Hashem. The media will jump on this opportunity to highlight that fanatic Chasidim are protesting attempts to remove the Iranian threat. No one outside of Satmar and the others alligned with them will pay any attention to their ant-zionist hashkafa, which is officially their purpose of their protest. Although the Rebbe has good intentions, these actions are outright destructive.

  5. Typos fixed. Please use this version.

    I am so tired of these misguided Michalali Shem Shamayim, who mascaraed in what people associate with Frum clothing, making a public Chilul HaShem, and putting Klal Yisrael in danger. They should keep their distorted views to themselves and focus on their family squabbles instead of dealing with issues relating to the Klal. If two brothers can’t live together (all for Kovod or should I say kuvid) I’m not sure they make the best spokesman for the Klal. Hashem Yishmor.

  6. for a group that is against the state of Israel and against people living there, etc, they seem to show an extraordinary interest in our every day affairs.

    If Israel is a land of Kofers, so why bother getting involved? Live in your utopia and stop focusing your attention of a state that you despise.

    Except that the problem is that Israel is developing fine and well without Satmar and does not need Satmar and even worse, all that Satmar says about Israel seems to have gone down the drain into nowhere…

  7. While I think that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu needs to teshuva and live al pi halacha, I have to give him credit for trying his best to protect millions of Jews from mass murder from a openly genocidal and treacherous regime.

    On the other hand, I like the Rebbe’s jacket.

  8. So the Rebbe must think that when the bombs start flying (chas v’shalom!) they won’t be hitting any Satmar chassidim?

  9. Given that any criticism of Netanyahu will attrack good coverage from pro-Democratic media, their protest should gain good coverage, and facilitate future press relations (if needed) over conscription,and will raise Satmar’s profile among mainstream Jewish groups who tend to assume that anyone with a yarmulkeis a blood thristy super-hawk.

  10. Why? Why? Why? First the Monroe rebbe gave a stupid speech so know his brother has to out do him. Let them stay out of this!!!!

  11. The prime minister is attempting to do what he can in his role of responsibility to prevent Iran, who expresses their desire to murder millions of Jews G-d forbid, from obtaining the means to do such. With all due respect, Now is not the time to protest.

  12. God bless our prime minister, May God grant you the wisdom to overcome all the opposition you are facing at home and abroad.

  13. no one knows, whats is right and whats wrong.
    but the rabbe can be positive to pray to everything turns right. instead protesting.

  14. satmar does not have the best track record of advising their constituency of what to do in a time of crisis (1944)
    so I think its best if he shuts his mouth and stays home and does what he does best eat kugel and send money to the eida charedis / neturei karta

  15. You know, not even Mordechai and Esther were accepted by all Jews – that’s why it says, at the end of the Megila “v’Ratzui l’ROV Echav”. This is simple Pshat, not Drash.

    It looks like this misguided individual and his followers have precedent…

    an Israeli Yid

  16. If holy Baal ShemTov was alive today he would not approve actions of this Rebbe. Saving physical lives of Yiden overrides all other politics.

  17. Satmar Planning a Protest Against PM Netanyahu Only 1 format of protesting will get Netanyohu where it really hurts:- Instruct his Satmar followers to go & cast their vote for whomever is running against Netanyohu.

  18. #3 I second tht
    #6 you’re so right! walk into any mosad that satmar supposedly supports in eretz yisroel and please take a look at the dilapidated state it’s in. Very easy to be against israeli’s and taking money from the govt. when you’re driving your suburban on the streets of ny. the satmar sheeta is officially irrelevant, period.

  19. Now, all those people who always protect Satmar and say they are not Natarei Karta, tell me what is the difference? I’m sure NK will be standing next to Satmar on Tuesday waiving Palestinian & Iranian Flags. I think the money spent on logistics and busing thousands of hasidim in pointless demonstration which causes Hillel Hashem, the money better spent on some hesed project, or send to Israel yeshivas who “evil government” cut the funding. Where are Agudah, Young Israel, Chabad and others who should speak openly about such Hillul Hashem and put Satmar where they belong

  20. With all due respect to the Satmar Rebbe, he doesn’t sound much different than the Neturei Karta, who go to Iran and hug and kiss them. This is a terrible Chillul Hashem.

  21. Satmar is right on this one. Netanyahu has the audacity to portray himself as speaking on behalf of world Jewry. He does not. He endangers Israel by ruining the best relationship that it has. Israel needs America and not vice versa. Netanyahu is misguided in his policy with America and in his rhetoric to the Jews of Europe. Meir Dagan former head of the Mossad has publicly stated that Netanyahu has totaly mishandled the Iran issue. The head of the Israeli atomic energy commission has said the same thing. All Jews should state loud and clear that Netanyahu speaks for himself and those that voted
    for hum but not for world Jewry. He is misguided and is causing very real danger to Jews and Israel.

  22. Next time he visits the Trina medina remind the trepidation tzahal and treifa police to let the PA protect him. Meharsaic umacharichayim memaach yetzaeuh. When will he and his followers do teshuvah when the nukes incinerate our brothers and distress?

  23. Next time he visits the treifa medina hopefully he will not ask for protection from the treifa tzahal or the treifa police but rather from the PA. Will he ask mechilah after the nukes are released? Too late

  24. B”H the Rebbe is taking a public stand for Kovod HaTorah despite the heat he knew he’s take from the internet crowd.

  25. I just cant stop wondering how many “Evyonim” that “streimel” can feed. This is where I go back to watching the vid of the Chofets Chaim ……..HaLivai

  26. Lior- you’re right. Even though Netanyahu believes that Iran poses an existential threat to Israel, he should sit put and hope that nothing happens. Is that what the Satmer Rebbe would advise him?

  27. We have seen what benefit Zionism has brought to Klal yisroel, בגוף when they have declared war against Hitler YM”shv, which triggered his revenge and klal yisroel has lost close to 6 Million holy neshomos on whose ashes the Atheist government of Israel has built on, and then with the שמד as 100’s of Thousand of lost Jewish souls ה”י in our beloved holy land.
    And to the ones who mention Esther, it very clearly says in the megila that תשובה was the only cause that changed the geziera, and Esther followed the path of ודרשו את שלום העיר which means we are instructed to pray for and live in peace of the state we live in, in galus. And to the ones that so much rely on this Koifer; just learn the haftura of parshes ki Siso (this week), with story of Aliyahu and lehavdil Achov, and i don’y think you would choose Achov’s side.

    And lastly; remember that Gedalya was killed by the mainstream for following yermiyahu instructions to be loyal to the babalonians, as is the gezieras hagolus; and waht happened after that ה”י

    אם ה’ לא ישמר עיר שוא שקד שומר
    Some would say falsely;
    if hashem doesn’t watch us, we are not worried, as we have שוא (bibi) who will watch us
    If you are really worried; just disconnect from Zionism, and connect to hkb”h, as the two don’t go together.

  28. If you dont support Israel and not sure what you say better not to say anything than to come out like this and protest.
    if america will trow the Hasidim out from here im sure they will run to israel. Keep in mind nataneyahu is coming right before purim to get ahashrayrosh (america) to take out hamon (iran) this is from hashem. and nataneyahu first name is benjman and shaul who killed amakle was from benjemin tribe and mordohai and ester is from benjemnin tribe to saved israel. we must support MR Benjemin Nataneyahu.

  29. It was a mere dew days ago when the world got a visual glimpse of the Holy Chofetz Chaim. How he walked with such grace and humility. I wonder if he would approve of all comments on either side of the aisle. Why don’t we hold on to that image and apply it to our daily lives and just let things be and not voice opinions that hurt or degrade other yidden?

  30. I don’t follow Satmar ideology but anyone not of the status of a Torah leader of our people and who’s knowledge of Torah is woefully inadequate,yet dares speak out against the Satmar Rebbe will pay greatly, in this world and the next. We need not agree with him but must realize that his opinions are based on the solid foundation of some of the greatest leaders of our people.Many leaders of our people, arguably the Chofetz Chaim as well (others ,but not all, who lived to see the state strongly softened the Agudah stance, the Chofetz Chaim did not live to that time)agree with the basic principles of Satmar. The Rebbes grew up learning Torah day and night.Don’t mess.Don’t have to care about his opinion but for long and happy life DON’T MESS

  31. #36 ………and not voice opinons that hurt or degrade other yidden? so just let the cillul hashem continue of the Sat MOre .SHa say nothing and they will go away no loshon horash.MOrdechai spoke against Bigson vwswrech b/c they wanted to kill the king ,THis is a mitzvah not an averah .SAtmore is gematriah kruma frumeh

  32. I liked the comment regarding Satmar’s non reaction to Neutra Karta meeting with Iranian terrorists.

    That is OK to ignore, but Bibi? A man who at a chance of personal loss, is out to defend Jews, him they see fit to protest.

    Hatred ruins the ability to think clearly!

  33. bdtz, yes the Zionists created a secular state that caused Jews to veer off Yiddishkeit. BUT at the same time they have enabled a relatively stable country where Jews can live in relative security. The FACT is that because of the Tzionists more Jews live in Eretz Yisroel since churban Bais Hamikdosh.
    Blaming the Israeli gov for everything evil is like blaming the American government for all the immorality in America without acknowledging all the good they do . Because of the immorality the American government promotes will you support American enemies?
    That’s ridiculous.

    Regarding taking a stand against the immoral “Treifene Medinah”, Satmer themselves should show how they are against immorality by voting for politicians that are pro morality. But no, telling others how they should live their lives is easier than not voting for politicians who promote immorality, if it works out beneficial for them! I am appalled at the way anti-Tzionist rabbonim vote for politicians who enable immorality! Take care of promoting morality first before screaming against the treifene Tzionism!

    The FACT is that today the Israeli government protects Jews in Israel and we need to DAVEN, not protest in front of the media, that Hashem protect the Jews in Eretz Yisroel.

    The FACT also is that in history we were harmed the most because we fought each other, we were harmed by our enemies when we fought and involved our enemies in our quarrels. Do you think anti-Semites will like Satmer people more because of these protests? No they will hate ALL the Jews more! If Satmer wants the secular Israeli gov to be demolished they should make a yom tefilah and daven Hashem should send Moshiach and rebuild the Bais Hamikdosh! Stop running to the media!

    I feel like vomiting when people act so stupidly because they were indoctrinated from birth! Use your head! I went to Satmer school myself, read Satmer affiliated newspapers, but still use my head!

  34. #38 – I am not afraid to speak out against the satmar rebbies. In the past year, I have seen and heard nothing but hatred spewing from their mouths. Talmidei Chachomim do not behave this way. Talmidei Chachomim also do not fight their brothers in court. Hitler Yemach Shemo did not care what kind of jew you were. Its about time these 2 learned to treat all Jews with a modicum of respect. Thats my opinion.

  35. #45, you could not be more wrong. Political zionism has caused tens of thousands of Jewish deaths during over half a century of wars and attacks. Tens of thousands of lost Jewish lives. This is a demonstration of a failed state not of “relatively stable country”. Jews are safer almost anywhere else in the world.

  36. Let’s be sensible about this situation.

    PM Benjamin Netanyahu is the elected PM of the STATE OF ISRAEL, a sovereign country in the sphere of countries. He is not the official mouthpiece of World Jewry, he has never claimed or accepted that role, rather he is a dedicated Head of State. The knowledge that he is privy to SCREAMS IRANIAN MURDER MACHINES have almost been constructed and completed. Residents/Citizens of ISRAEL expect their head of state to advocate and dedicate himself to preserving the country’s safety and security.

    Jews in America….may agree or disagree. Satmar can NOT view, understand, comprehend any of these vital points since it is embroiled in a ideology of ANTI-statehood.

    May hashem allow BIBI to accomplish a goal to protect and preserve Am Yisroel.

  37. volvie, you are TOTALY echoeing the Satmer mantra of a “failed State”, we are safer anywhere else in the world,” etc. And that’s because you are living in a bubble. Israel is not a failed state, as much as you’d like it to be its not the reality. Compare the state of the frum Jews from before Israeli independence to how they live now. The state of the Jews from before the Israeli independance was pitiful. So if you want to say only the physical not the spiritual, well no, the Chareidim would very likely lose a lot numbers to due in the continually modernizing world as they did in Europe prior to WW2 ( to communism, socialism, as well as secular Zionism)due to extreme poverty. So stop with the ” failed State” . Frum Jews are thriving there. As well as secular. Please tell Natrina and all the Satmer to spend all their wasted $ on the goyishe media and spend it for kiruv in Israel, for our brothers and sisters to return to Yiddishkeit.
    Secondly, you are again living in your bubble, we ARE NOT safer in the rest of the world. Ironically, this mindset reminds me of the assimilated German Jews before the Holocaust who wouldn’t dream what their “friends” would ultimately do to them. A very big percentage of American right wingers hate us, believe it or not for religious reasons as well as they claim Jews control America and caused liberalism. They actually do talk extremely violently against Jews. Left-wingers hate us to for different reasons. Hashem yishmor, all we need is the flame to arouse these haters. It could happen here too.

    Again, I find it so ironic that Satmer is screaming against Zionism because they “liberated” themselves from golus, without waiting for Moshiach, and the Satmer mentality itself is that “we are safe anywhere in the world besides for Israel”. And why that mentality not liberating yourself from golus in your own mind? You are free from antiSemitism and persecution? Maybe learn some Jewish history and see that when Hashem wants He wakes us up wherever we may be! And that’s how you teach that Moshiach is not here yet, not by feeling secure in Monroe and Williamsburg and screaming against Israel.

  38. Hey philosopher,
    You goofed on the last one.
    First of all, Facts are facts, and there hasn’t been a place in the world since WW2 where Jews have suffered greater loss then in Israel. by now some 30,000 jewish people have lost there live there, which didn’t even happen between the two WW.

    And secondly i am wondering, don’t the arabs that live there in and around Israel hate the jews? Isn’t that called antiSemitism. And to my knowledge this is in a much greater number then in the rest of the civilized countries.

  39. philosopher, you are TOTALLY parroting the typical zionist talking points. I simply pointed out logical realities. I don’t know who else said them. If Satmar made the same point it is simply because it is a davar pashut. It is logical and obvious to anyone whose eyes are open and unbiased.

    The State of AMERICAN Jewry before WWII was spiritually pitiful (i.e. working on Shabbos, etc.). So the WORLD improved spiritually both in America and Eretz Yisroel no thanks to the zionist regime. In Pre-WWII Palestine the Jews did NOT experience the assimilation that the European Jewry faced.

    And you are blinding yourself if you really think Israelis, who face constant wars and terror, are as safe as Americans or even Europeans. The Israelis are far less safe. The lost over 20,000 Jews in wars and 5,000 in terror. Plus another 100,000 maimed and injured. And this is post-WWII. Jews NOWHERE else faced this type of death and destruction.

    Did we discuss the poor Teimani children that the State cut off their peyos and kidnapped them and sent them to non-religious families? We’ll talk about that next conversation. Meanwhile just a few months ago they concluded another war resulting in another 100 dead Jews and hundreds more maimed and injured. Where else in the world did you find so many Jews killed and injured? Nowhere. If you took the COMBINED total of anti-semitism ACROSS THE WORLD outside Israel, it was less than what happened in Israel a few months ago during the course of just one month.

  40. btdz and volvie,
    It seems that you are infected with hate and hate conglomerated into delusional facts;

    1. Yes Israel has its falacies as does any Western country

    2. The Jewish population in Israel is growing while in galus it is shrinking; and shrinking due to a serious assimilation problem of intermarriage, particularly in the USA. Yes there are wars but if you look overall, I would suggest you would look at the destruction of the of the Jewish population due to assimilation, these numbers by far supercede the million.

    3. Your knowledge of German history is minimal and it seems you are infected with both Satmar hate and perhaps the “great PhD thesis” of Abu Mazen which is intellectually deprived by saying that Zionism caused the hate of Germans. I would suggest that you study German history, Martin Luther’s writings along with Himler’s and Goebbels along with German nationalism instigated by Bismarl. It is delusional as Satmar’s statements that Arabs had no problems with Jews; I would suggest you read Islamic history from its inception in Saudi Arabia and the mass slaughtering of local Jews both there and throughtout.

    4. Protesting the Netanyahu speech without indicating an iota of the knowledge of the agreement of a nuclear Iran, something that acutally scares the Arab nations by far more than Israel is petty, stupid, and again-due to an infection of hate of Israel along with ignorance; I do not find any iota of scholarly work, other than compeletely delusional and polemics that are morally and intellectually deficient in any Satmar speeches when it relates to German history, Muslim History, or Zionist history; beyond the Hillul Hashem, they appear as ignorant clowns.

  41. btdz and volvie: You are both 100% correct. Thank you for sharing. You both said it precisely as is and there’s nothing further to add.

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