Who Broke into the Home of the Tzaddik of Yavniel ZT”L?

yavChassidim of the late HaGaon Rav Eliezer Shlomo Schick, the Tzaddik of Yavniel ZT”L are fearful a machlokes regarding who will succeed the rov is underway. It was reported in Israel on Tuesday 21 Shevat that during the night New York City time, someone broke into the rebbe’s home in Boro Park and made off with valuables.

Kikar Shabbos reports that other valuables were stolen from the home when the rebitzen was hospitalized due her own ailing health. Kikar adds that sources in Breslov believe that the persons behind the break-ins are connected to the yeshiva that is situated above the rebbe’s home and the break-ins were motivated by the machlokes as who will take over for Rav Shick. Talmidim of the yeshiva appointed Rav Yoel Roth as rosh yeshiva against the rebbe’s wishes while he was still alive.

Local police and members of the Boro Park Shomrim are involved in the investigation into the break-ins.

Due to the deteriorating condition of the rebitzen, the sons siting shiva in Yavniel are returning on Tuesday evening to the United States to continue sitting shiva in Boro Park.

The tzibur is asked to be mispallel for Yachna Shifra bas Susiya bsoch kol cholei yisrael.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Ironic, or plain repulsive, that we should be discussing machlokes and speculating who is going against whose wishes and who may be behind a geneivah, on a page where there is an advertisement for seforim containing Torah thoughts of the Holy Chofetz Chaim.

  2. #1, if a Jew is capable of kidnapping a 9 year old boy and brutally murdering him, Jews are most certainly capable of breaking in to people’s houses.

  3. Some sources are saying that this is the work, of the Rebba zt’l son R’ Moisha, as a revenge since they didn’t let him enter the house of his father since the petira, and he wasn’t allowed in to the hospital, when the Rebba (his father) was treated there. Can anyone confirm that?

  4. I also agree that avoiding this subject will avoid lashon horas. This tzaddik”s derachim for those that understood it was the most kadosh thing and for others it’s only a channel for discussion and question. And the machlokes surrounding it…. better not be discussed….

  5. Plain repulsive that we should be discussing machlokes and speculating who is going against whose wishes and who may be behind a geneivah, who is a Kadosh and who is not, on a page where there is an advertisement for seforim containing Torah thoughts of the Holy Chofetz Chaim. YWN, where is your alleged Rabbinic, Editorial board now?

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