Charity Fund Established to Help the Family of Rabbi Dovid Winiarz ZT”L

CaptureDovid Winiarz was a special individual who lived to make the world a brighter place. Never content to just enjoy his own little corner of the world, Dovid was a people person who wasn’t happy unless he was doing something for others. Constantly widening his circle of friends with his trademark humor, his genuine smile and his perpetual good mood, Dovid literally lived his life for others.

Dovid died in a tragic car accident on his way to a kiruv convention in Baltimore, leaving behind a wife and ten beautiful children, seven of whom are still single. Dovid spent his life helping others and now it is our turn to perpetuate his legacy by helping his family face the future.

Every penny contributed to this campaign will go directly to the Chinuch Fund for the Winiarz family. (This site charges no fees.) Please give what you can in honor of a man who made the world a better place, each and every day he was in it.

Tizku L’Mitzvos!


The following video was Recorded and posted by R’ Winiarz ZT”L  on the past week’s Parsha V’aera:

Quick Thought on the Portion of Vaera – A Facebuker Rebbe insight


One Response

  1. surreal!
    May he be a meilitz yosher for all of klal yisroel. I hope we can pull ourselves together and donate as much as possible. There are 7 children that need to go through the yeshiva system; they look like serious and conscientious students. And they need to get married iy”h.. May hashem give them koach to withstand this pain.

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