13-Days After Crying, Pleading, Begging – Deri Does What Was Certain to Happen – He is Back Heading Shas


After sufficient begging, pleading, a letter from HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen Shlita,  and appeals from many others in Eretz Yisrael, Shas’s Aryeh Deri has announced his return as party leader.

After receiving a letter from Rav Cohen on Sunday 20 Teves (attached below), informing him that he does not have reshus to leave the party leadership position, Deri on Monday morning announced his return. He held a special meeting of faction members in the party’s Har Chotzvim office in Yerushalayim at which time Deri informed his colleagues.

Deri told his colleagues that he accepts that which has been forced upon him by the word of the head of Torah Council, HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen Shlita. He expressed his commitment and dedication to continue leading the party towards serving Maran ZT”L and the hundreds of thousands of Shas voters.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. If only we can put everything behind and make Sholem.

    The gemorah says לא מצא הקב״ה כלי מחזיק ברכה אלא השלום,
    We see that Sholem is not only a nice Midah, but it is a Keili which protects. This explains why Achov and his people wee not killed in war, although they were ovdei avodah zorah. Because they did not fight and talk loshon horah!
    Being in the Keili means being protected from what’s outside the Keili, it doesn’t matter what thing is in the Keili.

  2. Why does this party always run the “drama queen” script???

    Who is suppose to be impressed? AND most IMPT is this now considered PEACE IN THE SEFARDIC world.

  3. if shas gets 0 seats (less than 3.25% of the vote) whos fault is it? r cohen, deri, yishai (who shas will blame it on, however if he wasnt “sideswiped b/c of deri” this whole thing wouldnt start

  4. You have to give Deri credit. Not only did the video not hurt him, he actually gained by being portrayed as unfairly and viciously attacked. Even now, he is coming back as a martyr, “forced” back into politics, not because he enjoys the power. He had all the big names in the Sephardi world wrapped around his pinky. I’m not even getting into who’s right our wrong. I’m just pointing out that he is a talented politician. I daven that they reunite, or at least that they both make the threshold. May we have sholom.

  5. People don’t need to like deri but he’s the most capable to be head of shas at the moment maybe not everything he did in past was good but he did and he knows how to help the charedi zibur and turn things around more then anyone else the non charedi poltions are scared from him they can’t fool him so easily he’s a clever man you don’t to like him but I can understand why shas want him.

  6. atyeshiva,

    thats the stupidest thing i ever heard!

    if the guy is a felon and maran disapproved of him, even if he gets 62 seats and gives money to yeshivas its all treif

  7. If the Shas Gedolim asked him to come back, I can’t understand why anyone here would question his motives. He is listening to the gedolim!!!

    Barush Hashem we have people like Deri who are willing to be moser nefesh (nefesh tarti mashma) for good of the tzibbur.

  8. To No. 8

    In case you are so naïve, the so called “Shas Gedolim” are part of the same coordinated political farce in which they first deliberately leaked the tape of Maran making comments about Deri being an ouesvorf, than the yosef kids parade down to his kever crying gevalt and then begging Deri to come back and “save” the Shas party from certain election defeat. These “gadolim” as you call them may be talmeidi chachamim in some Shas circles but they are still political hacks playing the same games over and over again and don’t warrant respect from the Sephardeshe tzibur.

  9. # 8 just proved that the Sheeple will vote for him and that a sucker is born every minute.

    It was a good con job and the naive will fall for it.

  10. Bottom line deri is awesome. That’s the main thing. He definitely knows how to play the games better than anyone else in Israeli politics.

  11. The goyim have their soap operas, and we have Israeli elections. It’s actually a function of having a parliamentary proportional system with a very low threshold, which pretty much guarantees the “stus” every election (for most parties). The Anglo-American system of single member constituencies and “first past the post” is much less entertaining.

  12. Mbachur I see you don’t understand what’s going on with the charedim in israel the hole thing why there’s charedi party’s in israel is to help the charedi zibur to protect them from the non charedi poltions who try to harm the charedim so the bigger the party is the better this comes before anything a big party and poltions are scared from deri much more then yishai he won’t stand for anyone harming the charedi zibur so the one who is capable doing it should be the head of the party BTW you say maran spoke against him but he alone made him back leader because of this point he like yishai much more but he cared for the zibur so he took deri back. shas needed a strong leader to help fight all the people who want to harm us.

  13. Nezem zahav beaf ( tzadik)
    He is the sefaradi j Edgar Hoover he knows all the personal things this on these sefaradi gedolim and that’s why there are afraid.
    That’s the difference between a real maran and those called rabonim who talk about fallowing maran zl way.

  14. People here feel like they are entitled to an opinion and therefore along with that comes the reshus to bad mouth/bash others.Better check yo self afor you wreck yo self. May be Talmidei Chachamim?. Who do you people think you are? Daas Torah? You have a cheshbon? You know what your talking about? Emunas Chachamim is fake to you? Monay morning couch quaterbacks would be a compliment if you could garner that. What are you?? A Met fan?

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