Muslim Worker in Kosher Supermarket Saved Lives during Attack


Lassana Bathily of Mali, who is employed in the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket in the de Vincennes area of eastern Paris, is credited with saving a number of lives during the attack that occurred on erev Shabbos, 18 Teves. Four members of France’s Jewish community were murdered in that attack. Yoav Hattab, 21, Philippe Braham, in his 40s, Yohan Cohen, 22, and Francois-Michel Saada HY”D, in his 60s were killed before police moved in and shot the attacker dead.

Lassana acted quickly as the attack began. Lassana opened a walk-in freezer downstairs in the store and took the people saved, including an infant only a few weeks old. When Lassana left the freezer the people were told to remain inside, where they were safe.

Amedy Coulibaly, who also shot a policewoman dead, was killed when authorities moved in and stormed the kosher supermarket on erev Shabbos. His brother Said and accomplice Cherif Kouachi were also killed by police. They took part in the Charlie Hebdo attack that claimed 12 innocent lives, leaving others wounded, some seriously.

Cherif, 32, the younger brother, told police prior to being killed that he and his brother had traveled to Yemen where they contacted local al-Qaeda officials, where they received terrorist training and funding for their activities.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. We should note that many Muslims are on “our” side, and that the “Jihad” movement is not necessarily the “norm” among Muslims. Indeed, in places such as Syria, Iraq and Nigeria, it is Muslims who are the leading and most bloodied opponents of the Islamic State/al Queda movements.

  2. #2
    I would generally not respond to people like you because it is a waste of time, but events warrant it. You are a sick and twisted individual. At this time you have no other thought than give everyone the “not all muslems are murderers” shpiel? While klal yisroel mourns and the earth seethes with jewish blood, you dare come peddling your liberal garbage?! Shame on you and your ilk! You are grotesque and heartless!

  3. #2
    Islam IS the problem. Their ideology is murder. Until the world faces this reality, we are in danger. Unfortunately, many Jews are misled into thinking that Islam is a religion of peace. It is not. It is a fascist movement spreading hatred and murder wherever they go. Having said that, there are “yichidim” individual Muslims who have been influenced by others and as a result live decent, tolerant lives. Good Muslims don’t become that way because they follow the “real Islam”. Punkt fakert. They become good Muslims because they do NOT follow Islam. They stray from Islam and are infected and affected by those around them to live decent lives. Thankfully there will always be yichidim. Misguided individuals, including Jews, will try to brainwash Jews that Muslims are really nice guys, but let’s keep this in perspective, shall we.

  4. That’s just a Zionist myth that every Muslim is a terrorist when it’s quite clearly not the case your right akerperma

  5. How many Chareidi people would think to save non-Jewish lives, when theyre in danger themselves and need to escape!

    Would you?

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