BREAKING: French President Hollande Confirms 4 People Killed In Kosher Supermarket; Calls It Horrific Anti-Semitic Attack


French President Hollande confirms that four people were killed in the siege in the Vincennes Kosher supermarket. It is unclear if this number includes the hostage-taker.

“I want to salute the police and and all those who participated in the operations. I want to tell them we are proud of you,” Hollande adds, saying they they saved the hostages and “neutralized” the terrorists.

Along with the prime minister, Hollande says “we have reinforced protection of our public spaces, to guarantee that we can live quietly, in peace, so that at no moment we will be subject to risk and threats. But we must remain vigilant.”

“Unity is our best arm.”

Calls the attack on Vincennes a terrifying ‘anti-semitic attack”.

Hollande adds: numerous state chiefs around the world have expressed their solidarity with us. They will be here on Sunday. I will be with them. I call on all the french to get up together this Sunday to carry the value of democracy, liberty and pluralism.


4 Responses

  1. It is scary what’s going on In French.
    The thing is it’s not going to change for the good it’s going to get worse with all the Muslims in Europe.
    Many Jews already moved out of French. After so many years of giving all the Muslims the freehand to come to Europe and to French in particular now it’s the time the muslims feel comfortable enough to start terrorizing and taking over Europe.
    I am afraid it’s too late for Europe to try to take back Control over their country.

  2. To Yankel977 (poster No. 2)

    1. The country is France…their language is French.
    2. Europe is a continent, not a country.
    3. On a comparative basis, there have been more terrorist incidents in the United States and EY than in Europe.

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