Rav Mazuz is Concerned with the Future of Eretz Yisrael

mazuzSpeaking at a Yarhzeit event, HaGaon HaRav Meir Mazuz Shlita expressed his concerns regarding the future of Eretz Yisrael. Mentioning Rav Kook Z”TL in his address. Rav Mazuz stated this is the reason the new Ha’Am Itanu party was launched, to fight to safeguard Eretz HaKodesh.

Thousands took part in the “hilula” for HaGaon HaRav Matzliach Mazuz ZT”L, Rabbi Meir Mazuz’s father. The rav explained “Moshe’s way was to bring those who are far away back to the fold, even those who throw stones at the Torah. Take the Moshe Rabbeinu of our generation too, Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L. Take Rav Kook ZT”L too. Both of them brought Jews back. Rav Kook met a young philosopher, David HaCohen, a young person who heard Rav Kook davening in the morning and took a liking to him. He became the rav/nazir under Rav Kook’s spell”.

Rav Mazuz continued, “There are those who state Rav Kook was not acceptable, those who forget what gedolim said about him. Rav Sonnenfeld and Rav Aryeh Levine. One may include Rav Elyashiv too, who was a son-in-law of Rav Levine and the chareidi gadol hador and admired Rav Kook. The Chazon Ish called Rav Kook ‘a holy man’. The Chazon Ish called him ‘Maran’. Once, at a large event, the chareidi rabbonim wanted to cancel because it was a kippa sruga event. Maran said ‘everyone is a Jew’. The roshei teivos of “Yachad” are “chareidim, dati’im and Yehudim” the rav continued.

The rav added “We hate machlokes and division but I saw there isn’t anyone standing firm on behalf of Eretz Yisrael. You should know this pained Rav Ovadia a great deal. We must fight for our land even if there are other comfortable places…”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Agree with Binyomin. The Rav’s words are true but not said enough.

    I heard in the name of the late Rav Shlomo Friefeld zatzal that we did not posken like Rav Kook. Ie Rav Kook was an opinion, a gadol, a Torah view. The populace of the Torah velt did not pasken like him. This is not a slight of the posek/gadol. If one goes like Rav Ovadiah, one like a Rebbe, one like Rav Kook etc. it’s not a pasul in the opinion they did not go like. Judaism requires respect for differing opinions and love of those who hold them (and respect and honor for those who are Chachamim even if their views differ from our own Rabbi’s views). The lack of such respect is unfortunately not a new problem.

    I happen to really enjoy hearing of Yachad. It seems to be people running l’shem shamayim. Not I am going to form the same party as I was in but just for me. No, there is a real reason for it as seen by the Rav Mazuz’s words and for example Yoni Chetboun’s entrance.

    No matter what opinion of zionism one has (note: Satmar fan) – the ikar is to respect the other’s yids opinion. Of course in the gemara or amongst even contemporary gedolim, some times seemingly strong words are said in the course of a disagreement on halacha – but that’s not for us to do nor to approve of in a comment on YW nor anywhere else (even if the degrader is speaking “our side”).

    The gemara says that when Klal Yisrael was doing the ratzon of Hashem but had machlokes in the time’s of Dovid – the army was unsuccessful. But in another king’s time (have to look it up), they were idol worshippers (ie the yidden) but there was no machlokes – the army was successful. This is not a heter to do avodah zara – they seemingly were held accountable for that. But vis-a-vis protection of the land – the main thing is no machlokes. Of course, there will be disagreement even amongst the frum what specific path to choose – that isn’t going to stop nor necessarily should it. But a party that is trying to unite differing frum parties deserves a yasher koach. Hopefully it will lead to a popularization of achdus l’maaseh.

  2. Baruch HaShem

    “Concerned with the FUTURE of Eretz Yisroel” – that is very heartening. For a frum party to have a global, outlook, beyond its comfort zone, places it on a different level. YET to maintain such heterogenous attitudes & voters is a challenge for the Israel scene.
    A Rov/ Rosh Yeshiva/ Mentor who recalls the holy Rav Kook & Rav Sonnefeld & the Tzadick Rav Aryeh Levine as one – gets my Bklyn vote!

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