Meet the [Possibly Soon to Be] ‘Maran’ Party


According to a Channel 2 News report on Sunday evening 22 Kislev, the name of the new party being formed by Eli Yishai is “Maran”. The report adds that if he runs with Uri Ariel, who heads the Tekuma faction of Bayit Yehudi, the new combined Maran and Tekuma party would be called “Yachad”, together.

The report adds that Shas has already indicated it will file an objection with the Central Election Committee over the use of the name Maran.

During a press conference earlier in the day when Mrs. Adina Bar-Shalom announced she was not going to run for Knesset but would be remaining in Shas to work behind the scene, Deri reminded listeners that “Maran gave me back the deposit and placed me at my spot, back at the helm of Shas”.

Deri is working hard to exhibit achdus but with the imminent resignation of former party leader Eli Yishai, it is clear the party is imploding. Polls show that if elections were held with Deri running the party after Yishai resigned, the results are into the single digits, 7-9 seats, a drop from its current 11 seats.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. C’mon Rav Aryeh, wake up and smell the coffee. Drip out for the betterment of Am Yisrael and the Chareidim. Stop being a רודף אחר הכבוד.

  2. “Deri is working hard to exhibit achdus but with the imminent resignation of former party leader Eli Yishai, it is clear the party is imploding.”

    Deri is completely unfamiliar with the term “achdus,” but he’s quite familiar with, “it’s all mine.” He also asks, ‘why do I need him and it is only out of mercy I’ve invited him to stay.’ Excuse me, is this the Shas political party or the Deri Comic Hour? Are all of the Shas MK’s just going to sit or stand around as this Deri character destroys all of Chacham Ovadia sweat and tears of building a political party that represents the wants and needs of the Sephardic populace of Israel? Shame on all of you!!!~! You’re like dunces except in place of the pointed black cone hats you wear your fedora hats to make you look Haredi- what a joke!!!
    “Maran (Rav Ovadia not likely the Bet Yosef) gave me back the deposit and placed me at my spot, back at the helm of Shas”, this is what Deri, the snake stated to the listeners on the radio. This is NOT the same Deri that worked with Shas earlier on but a different Deri, the convict, that wants everything for himself as his imprisonment warped his mind considering all the other similar thieving prison mates he was lodging with. Deri, the snake even convinced Rav Ba’adani to back him as the Shas leader – SAD days for Shas are ahead.

    Yeshai had always followed The Rav’s instructions explicitly. He did not question the Rav’s decisions and as a good soldier that he has always been instituted the orders.

    You, the remaining members of Shas that stay with the convict Deri will all see that you made a major wrong choice.

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