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Anat Chaschiya Running in Bayit Yehudi Primaries


Anat Chaschiya defines herself as a proud Islamic Arab citizen of Israel and she is entering the Bayit Yehudi party primary race in the hope of serving in Knesset in the dati leumi party.

She explains she is unafraid to say what many of her Arab friends and neighbors believe. Her three children served in the IDF and her son fought in Gaza in Operation Protective Edge. He is a member of Golani. She explains that her criticism comes from a place of love for her homeland and she wants to serve her people.

Born in Akko, Chaschiya was received with open arms by Naftali Bennett. She feels the party is her natural home for she too believes in a Greater Land of Israel and has no objection to yishuvim. She has harsh words for the zealots, “Those who attack Arabs”, but admits by and large she supports the yishuvim throughtut Yehuda and Shomron.

Pollsters are baffled with her candidacy and admit they cannot say if she will make it to a realistic slot on the party list. When asked if she will be in the next Knesset, she replied “B’ezras Hashem I will be, I am certain of this but even if I do not get in, the loss will be greater for the Jews…”

(Hebrew interview)

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Can she replace that witch Zoabi? Will Zoabi be allowed to stand? She is a philosophical terrorist & has no business being an MK. I would call her a traitor, but she doesn’t see Israel as her country. She just hates.

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