Were the Arabs Injured in a ‘Work Accident’?


Three Arabs were injured and their vehicle went up in flames on Tuesday, 3 Kislev is what appears to have been a ‘work accident’. It appears they were preparing firebombs when the fire occurred during the early evening hours in the Binyamin Regional Council of Shomron near the PA (Palestinian Authority) village of Dir Abu Meshal.

Authorities report is appears the fire was caused by a firebomb but at the time of this report police hadn’t determined if the passengers of the vehicle were trying to hurl a firebomb at a passing Jewish car or perhaps they were hit by a firebomb hurled from the nearby village, a case of mistaken identity.

As firemen attempted to extinguish the blaze, they and IDF soldiers protecting them were at attacked by Arabs from the village compelling the use of riot-control adjuncts.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. No discrimination allowed , so the arabs like the jews wont make any diffrents between arabs and jews, they will attack arabs just to get the jews, Kol Hakovod for the governmets orders not to discriminate

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