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11 Responses
I am very troubled by the fact that ultra Orthodox Jews are very particular about mechitzahs at weddings and at any public event, yet at an event like Kosherfest, it is ok to mingle
Git Meshigahs —what about sidewalks— and do you want to start a line of Mehadrin buses like they used to have in Israel?
I agree completely with #1. Well said.
There is a heter when you attend kosher fress.
While you the idea is very noble in principle, you can’t segragate business. Imagine what the world would be like. This is a trade show not a celebration.
Number 1, has a point. There is an element of hypocricy involved here. Some of the people freely mingling in the crowd here, would call your yichus into question for so much as trying to look get within 50 feet of the ezras nashim on shabbos morning.
So theres an element of hypocracy. Nothing can be done about it. It’s for business and networking. If your going to eat and party your missing the purpose.
I see, so for business all is OK.
for you number 1 git mishege , and you number 8 pushite yid , both of you cannot go to any mixed affair , but all the rest of us can go , bacause we’re normal
Mr. Normal clearly misses the point, but that’s OK, as long as he is “normal”.
Mixed “affair”, couldn’t have chosen a better word myself.