Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Stern to Chareidi Soldiers: ‘You follow way of Rav Kook’


Jerusalem Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Aryeh Stern Shlita hosted this week the chareidi soldiers of the Nachal Chareidi Battalion at Beit Rav Kook in Jerusalem. Rabbi Stern held a talk with the soldiers which were having a tour at the site, and invigorated their morale against the various attacks they have been experiencing in recent months.

Rabbi Stern told the soldiers that “the Rav Kook’s House is the most suitable place for those who combine mitzvah observance with fighting for the security of Israel and protecting its borders; This combination is essentially Rav Kook’s teaching”.

Rabbi Stern is among the restorers of Rav Kook’s House, where Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak HaKohen lived and acted. Rabbi Stern leads today the organization which turned the place into a museum presenting Rav Kook’s life and achievements.

On a personal note, Rabbi Stern fought the Six-Day and Yom Kippur Wars.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. I don’t think he is talking about “Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak HaKohen” (the famous “Rav Kook”, though he has many descendants who are rabbis, and are therefore also “Rav Kook.” The famous one spent is whole life learning, passed on many opportunities to be a soldier, and was opposed to initiating a war with the goyim. Maybe he was talking about a great grandson?

  2. Finally a sensible and realistic Rav speaks out. Moshiach is one step closer. I promise. I say this from long and experienced years on this earth. My only question is what took so long for the wisdom and the truth to speak? So much outright Chillul Hashem and (personal) pain caused by downright personal agendas (v’Hamaven Yavin) could have been averted.

  3. Harav Stern is indeed referring to harav Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen Kook. In the D”L world, stam ‘Harav Kook’ is always the RAYH”A Kook.

    I have no idea what ‘many opportunities to be a soldier’ #1 is referring to – harav Kook passed away at the age of 70 in 1935, some 13 years before the formation of the State of Israel. And I’m curious to see what exactly #1 is referring to in claiming that harav Kook ‘was opposed to initiating a war with the goyim’. Anyone who knows anything at all about harav Kook knows full well that harav Stern is perfectly correct in his statement.

    I fear that, once again, #1 is not letting the facts get in the way of his/her radical anti-Zionist agenda and propoganda.

  4. #1 Unfortunately, the famous Rav Avraham Yitchak HaCohein Kook zt”l has no live descendants bearing the “Kook” family name. A daughter tragically was nifteres in an accident and his son Rav Tzvi Yehuda zt”l had no children. Two other daughters survived him. I do not know if they left descendants. (There are Rabbanim bearing the Kook name from siblings of his.) As to Rav Kook’s personal utter devotion to Talmud Torah, there is no stira between his personal approach and his possibly advocating combining Torah learning with army service, since this would depend on the talents of the particular individual. He did not to my knowledge comment directly on this, since there was neither a State nor Hesdeir in his lifetime. Interestingly, Rav Tzvi Yehuda was against Hesdeir initially as he thought it would “water down” the learning. I do not know if he changed his mind or whether he advocated it for those not cut our for full-time learning. Engaging in building and defending Eretz Yisrael was certainly a major focus in Rav Kook’s writings. Just as Rav Kook did not view everyone as being a farmer, I am sure he did not view everyone as being a soldier. His advocacy of Torah alone Yeshivos in a letter entitled “‘Al Tig’u biMshichai” went along with his encouragement of Yeshivot Tichoniyot which combined Torah study with secular education. It depended on the students involved. As in everything he wrote, Rav Kook zt”l was very nuanced and took into account the many different types of Jews trying as best he could to embrace them all. I certainly hope the subsequent comments do not turn into a forum of sin’a hurling insults at the other side.

  5. Let me preface that I have a tremendous admiration for HaRav Kook, z”l.

    However, if Chareidi soldiers are any bit in sink with the Chareidi outlook then I imagine that this Rav’s words went in one ear and out the other. Furthermore, if I am correct, then it shows that Rav Stern is not in touch with the Chareidi community and therefore will not be a able to bridge gaps between religious sectors. He essentially is a missionary for Religious Zionism and that will only add fuel to the fire.

    It take Rabbanim like Rav Aryeh Levin, z”l or lhbh’l HaRav Yisrael Meir Lau shlita to bring unity in Klal Yisrael. These were people who understood people from all walks of life.

    I am really saddened by the obvious outcome that is slowly raising it’s head.


  6. Example:the dati brought the giyur law mounting tragedy

    In the hashgafa of Rav Kook and the early Religious Zionists founders, israel is all about the community, Galut about the individual. That is why we need a centralized control, while in the past, individual leading rabbis would make individual decisions . Giyur is a community problem and needs a centralized authority. An individual that isn’t sincere does not pose a threat to Am Yisarel, large groups do

  7. HUH…Rav Aryeh Levin zt”l, has not been with us for decades already & it would be hard to vouch for RAV Lau’s bridging ability.

    Rav Kook stood up against the British Mandate in the Shofar Blowing event at the kotel & stood for Jewish sovereignty even if it caused (& it. Did) anger to the “goyim” #1.

  8. I don’t think these soldiers want to hear that they followed in rav kooks ways. They want to be considered chareidim that have no other choice but to serve the army. Rav kook didn’t have a positive reputation amongst the chareidi world; his shita was rejected by the chareidi rabbanim. I see these soldiers as wanting to be in their own unique movement. Many of them are hurt by the incitment by chareidim against them cus they want their fellow chareidim to agree with them. They want to remain chareidim.

  9. RabbiYoni and zionflag – I in no way was trying to disparage Rav Kook, z”l, nor contrast Rav Levin from Rav Kook. To sum up what I was trying to say look at #11. I Think geula put it better than I did.

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