R’ Yitzchak Yosef: New Giyur Law Intended for the Liberal Rabbonim

yyoDespite assurance from Rabbi Chaim Druckman Shlita and others, Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Shlita remains adamantly opposed to the Giyur Bill passed by government decision in the Sunday cabinet meeting on 9 Marcheshvan.

Speaking with a Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) correspondent, Rav Yosef said “they are doing everything possible for one rav. There is a rabbi called Rabbi David Stav, and who wants to convert minors and implement leniencies regarding giyur.

“Rabbi Zalman Melamed Shlita told me ‘If Rav Stav is given permission for giyur the law is done. MK Elazar Stern told me ‘Give permission to [Rabbi David] Stav and [Rabbi Shlomo] Riskin to perform giyur and the law is done’”.

Rabbi Yosef added “That means the law was pushed through for this”.

Rabbi Stav responded to the Rishon L’Tzion’s words, telling the media “when I read there are rabbonim opposed to the law I must ask where it is written in the Torah or Shulchan Aruch that one person alone is responsible to accept converts to Am Yisrael?”

“When I hear one rav compare municipal rabbonim to pharmacist that cannot perform surgery I am compelled to ask if this is so, how can a rabbi who has not even served as a neighborhood rav and did not pass the exams on the Law of Giyur oversee the dayanim that the political system has appointed? In addition, who gave the Chief Rabbinate of Israel the authority if not the Government of Israel?”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Restating the obvious

    IOW whenever they’re stopped with the official election defeats ,they continue subvert the nation from underneath.

    “when I read there are rabbonim opposed to the law I must ask where it is written in the Torah or Shulchan Aruch ..?”

    as expected

    Same old Refrain

    במה שמתפק כתר”ה אם גר שלא קבל עליו מצות אם נחשב גר, פשוט וברור שאיע גר כלל אף בדיעבד וכן הורה אבא מארי הגאון זצלה”ה הלכה למעשה בסטראבין בשבדא כזו שאיע גר כלל בין לקולא בין לחומרא שקבלת מצות בגר מעכב כדאיתא ביו”ד סי’ רס”ח סעי’ ג’. ואף אם אמר בפיו שמקבל מצות אם אגן טהדי שאיגו מקבל עליו באמת אינו כלום. וגר שמהני לשם אישות בדיעבד, יירי שבשביל האישות קבל עליו מצ,ת באמת והוא ברור ופשוט וכל זה אמר אבא מארי הגאון בפירוש אז כשהורה. ובכלל איני יודע טעם הדבנים הטועים בזה דאף לדידהו עכ”פ איזה תועלת הם מביאין בזה לכלל ‘שראל שמקבלין גרים כאלו דודאי לא ניחא ליה להקב”ה ולעם ישדאל שיתערבו גרי 6 כאלו בישראל. ולדיגא פשוט שאין זה גר כלל. ידידו, משה פיינשטיין

    If somehow this less than enough

    BY the Time it’s written ,it’s TOO LATE

  2. R’ Druckman’s and Stav’s allies in America are Marc Angel and the I R F, Rabbi Manny Vinas, Rabbi Aharon Ziegler, and in Israel, Haim Amsalem, Shlomo/Steve Riskin, and Yisrael Rosen

    first came the Reform originally with an identical claim and brought down a chunk of our people with them,but we managed to build a wall of separation

    Then came the haskala with an identical claim and brought down another chunk of our people with them, but we managed to build a wall of separation

    Then came the conservatives with an identical claim and brought down another chunk of our people with them,but we managed to build a wall of separation

    What are we going to do now?

    Who’s coming next?

  3. This issue is of such grave importance that only gedolei hador u’poskim can render an opinion. See also Rav Chaim Ozer’s Achiezer 3:21, 22, 23, how a gadol approached the seriousness of these issues especially after wwII in Russia and also in America. I foresee that eventually we will have regular kosher converts and mehadrin min hamehadrin converts, lo oleinu.

  4. “how can a rabbi who has not even served as a neighborhood rav and did not pass the exams on the Law of Giyur oversee the dayanim ”

    The charedi objections might have some credence had they not forced the election of a Chief Rabbi who did not have yadin yadin semicha. Part of the responsibility of a Chief Rabbi is serve on the Beit Din Elyon! That former Chief Rabbi is now charged with bribery and money laundering. I’ll take the honest community rabbis.

    “Then came”

    Implying that Rabbis Stav, Riskin, Angel, Vinas, Ziegler, Amsalem, or Rosen are reform or conservative is motzi shem ra.

    “This issue is of such grave importance that only gedolei hador u’poskim can render an opinion.”

    The opinion of most of them was that Rabbi Tropper should be in charge of conversions for the entire world. This was extensively covered right here in YeshivaWorldNews; just look at the prestigious names here in these links:




    Every attempt to centralize conversion authority — through Rav Tropper, Rav Druckman, the Rabbinical Council of America, or the Chief Rabbinate, has led to major problems at best and embarrassing scandals at worse. How many failures will it take before we learn that there is a reason why there is nothing in our mesorah for centralized conversions?

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