Minister Saar Accepts Upon himself Shmiras Shabbos

saarMinister of the Interior Gideon Saar, who recently announced he is stepping down from his senior cabinet post to take a break from political life, surprised many with his announcement of keeping Shabbos.

On Thursday 6 Marcheshvan Saar spoke a bit about his private life while attending a ceremony in his honor in Modi’in Illit. He took many present by surprise announcing “I don’t keep taryag mitzvos but I made a neder at the bris of my son to keep Shabbos and I have been since”. His only child, Dovid, was born a number of months ago.

“I made this neder during the bris” he explained. He told he was invited by the president of the soccer league in Spain to visit to see a game. He detailed that when he arrived he learned the scheduled game that he was going to attend was on Friday night. He called a frum friend of his in Israel, asking if it would be acceptable for him to walk there and attend the game. He understood that while it might be permissible halachically, he realized it was not in line with kovod Shabbos and decided not to attend the game.

Saar took leave of his colleagues on the cabinet at the weekly meeting on Sunday 9 Marcheshvan. He will be stepping down from office in the coming days.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Let’s all daven for Gidon Moshe ben Bruria to continue to grow in ruchnius. He looks like he can go a long way and he seems to want to. He’s known among the politicians for his good midos and ability to get respect from everyone, even those who disagree with him.

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