APTOPIX-France-Gaza-P_Druk-676x450Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah organization has declared tomorrow Friday a “day of rage” and called on the Palestinian “fighters” to defend Al-Aqsa. Palestinian rioters and terrorists have been active in recent weeks in the Jerusalem area, killing two, injuring many others, and causing millions of dollars in damage.

The following is the announcement by Fatah that was reported by the official PA news agency:
“Fatah calls to its fighters and to the masses of the Palestinian people to aid the Al-Aqsa Mosque and occupied Jerusalem.
In an announcement that was published by the Fatah Mobilization and Organization Commission today, the movement called to set tomorrow as a day of rage throughout the homeland and in countries which are home to refugees, to express the Palestinian people’s opposition to any attack on the holy places and foremost among them the Al-Aqsa Mosque… And to consider desecration of Al-Aqsa as a declaration of a religious war against the Palestinian people and the Arab Islamic nations.”


7 Responses

  1. one rock,=10 bullet 2 rocks 20 bullets
    100 rocks 1000 machine gun bullets. This killer want to kill you so get up and kill them first. They start you must end
    their life immediately. Than see how many will continue to throw rocks

  2. And what will be the “Jewish” response? Nothing. Appeasement. Closing Har Habayit to Jews yet allowing these Nazis to roam around freely. When will Jews ever learn? These wild beasts need to be gunned down. That is the only and real Jewish way as happening during Hannukah and Purim. Those who come to murder us must be killed first without exception. If Jews do not wake up we can see another holocaust G-D forbid!

  3. This is crazy so many at danger. So many boys from all over the world are learning in Jerusalem. We need to pray for everyone.

  4. But the UN, EU, US etc. said they are peaceloving people? Something wrong here?! Perhaps we need to make some concession by letting out another 1000 terrorists…?

  5. #4

    There are close to a million residents in Yerushalayim with over 65% Jews, there are many to daven for, girls, women, the elderly, etc. yeshiva boys are a small percentage of the “toshavim”.

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