MK Zoabi Ousted from Knesset for Six Months

zoabiMembers of the Balad faction in Knesset on Monday evening 3 Marcheshvan boycotted the opening of the Knesset winter session after the Knesset Ethics Committee ousted MK Hanin Zoabi from the plenum for six months. Zoabi was ousted for her remarks that ranged from supporting Hamas, refusing to call Hamas a terror organization and that Israel is worse than ISIS.

Faction members of the Arab party held a press conference in Knesset, providing Zoabi a platform to condemn the committee’s ruling. “By distancing me from Knesset they are stating they do not want Arabs” she explained, opting to play the discrimination card. “They only want good Arabs and we will not be good Arabs” she exclaimed. “In a normal democratic society, parliamentarians who champion the battle against racism and crime, working towards equality for all and towards advancing democracy are viewed as setting an excellent example for all”.

This is not the first time that Zoabi was suspended as she continues her anti-Israel activities supported by her MK salary. Such activities include her participation in the Marvi Marmara terror vessel that left Turkey with the intention of breaking Israel’s marine blockade on Gaza.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Meir got worse for supporting Jewish life. She supports those killing us. Seems right in a nation scared to
    Act in its own survival

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