SHOCKING: Anti-Semite In Kentucky Running For U.S. Senate; Uses Campaign Slogan ‘With Jews We Lose’


The following is via WLWT5:

A write-in candidate for the US Kentucky Senate is bringing his controversial message to voters.

Robert Ransdell said he knows he cannot win against Republican Mitch McConnell or Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes but wants to use the campaign to spread his slogan, “With Jews We Lose.”

The signs placed at US 25 and Mount Zion Road in Florence caught one driver off guard.

“It’s ignorance. Complete ignorance and hate,” said Drea, who is disgusted with the campaign.

About 20 other signs are around Northern Kentucky and Ransdell said he hopes to roll out about 200 more in the coming weeks.

Drea, who wants to keep her last name private for fear of her family’s privacy, said she felt sick to her stomach after seeing the signs and wanted to speak out.

“I could drive by it and act like oh whatever it’s just some idiot but when does one idiot become 20,” Drea said.

Ransdell, who is out of town and campaigning, spoke to WLWT on the phone Tuesday night.

“Online we have had a lot of positive feedback. Like I said we’re going to find out what kind of feedback we get once we go out and take it to the people here in the state of Kentucky,” Ransdell said.

After receiving several calls on the signs, WLWT made sure the signs were legal.

According to a Kentucky statute, political signs are required to include the words “paid for by” followed by the name and the address of the responsible person or party. In this case there is no address shown.

Many residents said they wish the signs and his message would just go away.

“I believe that there is no such thing as racial equality. You see that in our cities everyday,” Ransdell said.

(Source: WLWT5)

15 Responses

  1. ““I believe that there is no such thing as racial equality. You see that in our cities everyday,” Ransdell said.”

    so instead of trying to help stop or reduce the hate he is going to promote hate. makes perfectly good sense to me


  2. anyone else think that sign looks tampered with? like its been photoshopped and may have very well said something else. the J doesnt seem to be fitting the font right. just pointing that out.

  3. To #4 and #7–Seriously, are you out of your minds? Substitute Chereidim for Jews and that poster could be staked down in the middle of Yerushalayim.

  4. To Nos. 4 and 7

    Yes, the sky if falling…….El Al is advertising a special price on flights to EY after the yom tovim. You should book your ONE WAY fares now while seats are available. Go run from every nutcase you see or hear. There are worse things said on postings here about minorities in the U.S. or Palestinians in EY than this obviously troubled individual puts on his signs stuck in the ground at a few highway intersections.

  5. He isnt a serious candidate. He just found another way to spread the hate filled message of the national alliance.

    From the website that is the source of the YWN story, one reads further:

    “That man, who was in no way affiliated with the parade, the July 4th festivities, or the city, was campaigning for Robert Ransdell, once coordinator for the Cincinnati unit of the pro-white organization National Alliance and now registered write-in candidate for the U.S. Senate seat in Kentucky currently held by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell…… …….Aside from the shockingly direct anti-semitism of his campaign’s message, Ransdell has made clear that he has no expectations of winning said election. Instead, as WLWT reported late last night, the campaign is meant simply to spread his pro-white message.

    “The purpose of this campaign,” says a statement on a white power forum, “is for it to serve as a medium for pro-White/White Nationalist ideals and principles.”

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