Main Memorial Event for Maran Highlights Shas’ Split

ovaThe event marking one year since the petira of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L held on Thursday night in Binyanei Ha’uma only attracted a few thousand participants. At best, the event, which was intended to display achdus and growth, highlighted the split in the party between the Deri and Yishai factions.

The event held on the eve of 3 Elul was one of 70 marking the first year since the gadol hador’s petira. Most of the hall was empty, with only about 2,000 taking part instead of the many thousands that were expected. Some point out that ironically, the music was mostly Ashkenazi chareidi tunes that contradict Shas’ banner of restoring the Sephardi customs and traditions.

Conspicuously absent were two of Maran’s sons, Rav Moshe Shlita and Rav Avraham Shlita. Rishon L’Tzion Rav Yitzchak Yosef however was present.

Both camps blamed the other for the lack of participants. Shas remains painfully divided.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Sadly, the Sephardeshe tzibur is beginning to act like some of the Ashkenaze tzibur….sort of reminds us of one particular chassidus where two brothers have been fight for nearly two decades after the death of their father….in both cases, the petirah of a fairly well regarded rav triggers animosities, jealousies and ego trips among the children and followers. Not much a tribute to the rav that was niftar

  2. Thank G-d YWN is back to itself.

    I was getting worried that all that achdus from the war actually got to you guys and you stopped reporting divisive stories which cause only Lashon Harah, Zilzul and just plain gossip.

    I’m glad you’re back to yourselves just in time for Elul!

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