The Search Continues for Missing Bochur Aaron Sofer [UPDATED 5:02 PM IL]

asIt is Rosh Chodesh Elul and many talmidim are returning to their limudim. Some however are not, continuing the search for missing Lakewood yeshiva bochur Aaron Sofer, 23 instead. Aaron disappeared on erev Shabbos in the Jerusalem Forest. The disappearance was reported to police at 18:00, before Shabbos, yet police did not call Zaka to begin a search until 01:45 in the morning.

The search on Tuesday is focusing on two areas, Pi Glilot in Givat Shaul and the Castle area of the forest near Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.

Volunteers will head out from 11 Nechemia Street in Yerushalayim.

According to persons involved in the search to date, he appears to have simply vanished without leaving a clue behind. Anyone with information on his whereabouts is urged to call 02-539-1520 or 100.

17:02: In a Twitter message, Israel Police spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld adds “Background to disappearance unclear”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. The disappearance was reported to police at 18:00, before Shabbos, yet police did not call Zaka to begin a search until 01:45 in the morning.

    Didn’t we see a similar large gap of time with the emergency call by one of the three bachurim?

    These gaps of time are precious in terms of establishing a trail and locating a missing person.

  2. You make out as if the police are at fault. In most countries a 23yr old would not be classed as missing till after 24hrs. And why would they call zaka straight away?

  3. This story is not getting enough coverage on the Israeli media.
    Hamas called for an increase in Kidnapping within Israel.
    This happened in a forest surrounded by arab villages with Ramallah close by. Isn’t it likely that if he was kidnapped, the terrorists are as we speak trying to get him across the border before announcing his abduction and using him as a bargaining chip? Shouldn’t red flags be put up at all border crossings? Shouldn’t the terrorists homes in Ramallah and the like be combed and searched for clues? Shouldn’t the known terrorists working in this area including the hundreds that were released from Israeli prison be interrogated? Even on the chance that he wasn’t kidnapped, which is highly unlikely at this point, I’m sure they can get alot of useful information by interrogating these guys.
    It may be needed to continue searching the same batch of forest for 4 days, but come on, haven’t we learned from our mistakes in the way we dealt with the previous Kidnapping?! Isn’t there more to be done?!

  4. Let’s hope he’s not in the hands of the Arab murderer of that young Arab boy whom the police decided not to apprehend and instead framed a Jew in order to silence protesters – which had the opposite effect.

  5. “The disappearance was reported to police at 18:00, before Shabbos, yet police did not call Zaka to begin a search until 01:45 in the morning.”

    Why such a delay? Was this another criminal act by the incompetent Police chief, Yochanan Danino?! Hasn’t that bum learnt his lesson from the first 3 Yeshiva boys?!

  6. It is reported that the ISA( Israel Security Agency) as well as police of Judea and Shomron, have been asked to assist the Jerusalem police.

  7. It’s my understanding this happened in the Jerusalem forest which borders on the Jerusalem neighborhoods of Har Nof, Yefe Nof, Ein Kerem, Beit HaKerem and Givat Shaul and is not near Arab villages.

  8. #9 Jerusalem forest is a huge area that continues to Hadassah hospital and also borders on Beit Zeit. All residents – friends and foes can be found walking and hanging out in that area.

  9. From Hadassah Ein Kerem to Har Nof is about 9Km(5.5 mi.).

    All Arabs that are residents of Jerusalem are not restricted in access to any part of Israel, just today they indicted an Arab of East Jerusalem for aiding the terrorists responsible for the murder of the three teens.

    I pray that this young man will soon be able to return to his family and his studies, B-H.

  10. I’m well aware. I’ve been living in the area for 30 years. As I pointed out, the forest borders on a large part of Jerusalem. I was just responding to #3 who said its surrounded by Arab villages/near Ramallah. Of course, danger lurks everywhere.

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