Loyal Israeli Arab Citizens Vow to Redeem Palestine With ‘Blood & Fire’

parHundreds of Israeli Arab residents in the Nachal I’ron area took to the streets in violent protests on Shabbos afternoon. They shouted “with blood and fire we will redeem Palestine”. The crowd confronted police in a violent protest reportedly sparked by the death of Muhmad Abu-Khadir , the Jerusalem Arab resident murdered and whose body was set on fire and dumped. Israel Police and the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) are still working to determine if that murder was a criminal act or a nationalistic hate crime.

The protestors blocked Route 65 and threw stones at police and burned tires. One policeman was hit in the head with a rock. His injuries are reportedly not serious. A second policeman was injured lightly as well.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. We Jews are sincerely emphatic when one (and for sure more) of our fellow brethren have fallen …these beasts use there “found burned body “(whom they surly could care less about) as an excuse for blood shed permission…fakers

  2. I fear this rioting is the beginning of a new Infatada…these six animals who murdered the arab boy have ignited a fire that will consume them and sadly many other innocent victims. While those living outside of EY can satisfy their blood thirst for revenge by posting all sorts of stupid comments like “they got what they deserved”, those in EY must live with the consequences of what these six animals have done.

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