Burned Body of Arab Found in Jerusalem Forest [UPDATED 09:36 IL]


09:36 IL: It is beginning to appear that the murder of the Arab males whose body was found in the Jerusalem Forest is related to an internal family feud or honor killing. While police have not announced a definitive motive, the information being released in the case is pointing in that direction and not a nationalistic revenge killing.

According to a Haaretz report, family members of the dead youth deny this is the case.

In the rioting that resulting in Shuafat earlier in the morning, damage resulting to bus stops and light rail stations. Israel Police nationwide remain on the highest operational alert level following the events of this week.

08:19 IL: Rioting is reported in Shuafat following the report of a kidnapping and the discovery of a burnt body of a male in the Jerusalem Forest. Shuafat residents report “three settlers” pushed an Arab male into a car earlier and drove off.

Amid the statements of eyewitnesses, there are reports the body found in the Jerusalem Forest is that of a male who was killed by Arabs who disapproved of his modern lifestyle and not a revenge killing as Jerusalem Arabs want police to believe.

Original report:The charred body of an Arab male approximately 16-years-old was found in the Jerusalem Forest early Wednesday morning, 4 Tammuz.

Earlier, there were reports that three people, possibly Jews, forced an Arab male into a car in the predominately Arab Beit Haninah area of the capital. When police received the call of the apparent kidnapping roadblocks were set up and a chopper was ordered into the air. As per police orders, the Jerusalem light rail will only operate during the morning hours between Mount Herzl and Ammunition Hill. Commuters traveling from Pisgat Ze’ev stations in the northern capital will be redirected to buses.

Police received a report of an Arab male who disappeared early Wednesday morning after going to mosque in Shuafat. It is unclear if the events are connected but it appears the reported kidnapping involves the missing Arab male who left the area mosque. The ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) is already involved in the investigation. Police quickly obtained a gag order from the court prohibiting publishing details of the case.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat called the act “barbaric”, condemning the murder of in no uncertain terms.

Police are not ruling out that the incidents are connected and that the Arab male was abducted and murdered in an act of revenge for the kidnapping murders of Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel and Eyal Yifrach HY”D. the media is reporting many shouts of “deaths to Arabs” were heard during angry protests in Jerusalem on Tuesday, when the terror victims were being laid to rest.

According to foreign media reports, the body found in the forest was discovered less than an hour after the Arab teen was abducted from Shuafat Junction. A Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) report states the Arab was forced into a black car.

On Tuesday night an Arab family complained to police, reporting an attempted kidnapping of a child on a main street in Shuafat. According to the report, 10-year-old Moussa Zalum was walking with his mom and a brother and a car stopped and they tried to pull him into the vehicle. There was a struggle and the child managed to break free and run. The car sped off.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. Emotions are understandably running high but whatever positive
    Support we have received from the world-whatever clear distinctions that showed us to the rest of the world as a people way above our enemies (the Hamas ) is totally erased now. Are we no better than them. We lost a valuable edge as am kodesh leading the nations

  2. If it is true, then it is one down and the rest of those animals to go, every single one of our names, man woman child should be erased from the our land without even a memory left.

  3. Whoever did this is akin to the murderers of the three boys hy”d. Pulling a random person off the street and murdering him?! An terrible day has just gotten even worse.

    #1- The police go out every day and protect Jews throughout E”Y. Not infrequently at risk to their own lives. What do you do big shot?

  4. Just a nice way of saying blood libel
    The parents probably even paid the guy to do it just so they could frame us

  5. This is the top stort of the bbc and all websites
    But when the boys were kidnapped they barely mentioned it

  6. Maybe its not a bad idea to show the arabs that if jews cant live in peace they wont either maybe it will discourage them from supporting. Violence against jews if they think they may have to pay a price

  7. Yerusalmit- the police didn’t learn their lesson. They care about arabs, not Jews. CHECK THE ISRAELI NEWS THIS KILLING WAS BY ARABS, THEY AS USUAL BLAME IT ON THE JEWS!!

  8. This was clearly an act by the Arabs to get the medias attention. They killed there own kind and blamed it on us because they can’t stand the fact that we have morals and sense not to retaliate.
    Kol Hacavod to all of our brothers that don’t stoop down to these wild beings level.

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