Report: Bennett Cuts Daycare Subsidy for Children of Avreichim

benMinister of the Economy Naftali Bennett has sharply cut state subsidies for children of avreichim, Yated Neeman reports. The report states the cut is exclusively for daycare services for the children of avreichim, no one else.

The explanation is that the ministry has set new regulations into effect, regulations that state a family may only receive a full assistance package if both parents are working or if one has received a military deferment. At the age of 22, if one is released from military service and opts to continue learning instead of joining the workforce, then one will receive a significantly smaller state subsidy for child daycare.

Yated reports that it is now clear that while Bennett was pushing the Shaked Committee to permit talmidim to receive a draft deferment and learn until the age of 22. Bennett feels that from 22 on they must leave the beis medrash and work or deal with the monetary consequences. Bennett approved full subsidies until age 22 realizing in most cases, child daycare is not relevant at that young age. The ministry compels one to work a minimum of ten hours weekly after the age of 22.

MK Rav Moshe Gafne responded stating “What a chutzpah that Bennett does such a Zimri act while seeking the reward of Pinchas. He is waging a war against the Torah world. One receiving a draft deferment from the IDF from 18-22 will receive full daycare subsidies. However we know one just about gets married at that age but this is the new regulation from Bennett’s office”.

Gafne adds “He is significantly worse than Yair Lapid and I have seen this in a number of cases. His tenacious battle to dismiss bnei yeshivos from IDF service at the age of 22 to make sure that they enter the workforce. He is trying to educate the Torah world. He continues to argue with the defense minister, assured that his people will persuade chareidim to get out and work at the age of 22… He then announces the daycare subsidy cut for these avreichim to pressure them.”

Gafne explains he has spoken with Ayelet Shaked and others, adding Bennett does not return his calls. “It is worthwhile to tell him ‘I didn’t know Haman wore a small kippa sruga’. He is waging a war against us, against Torah and the avreichim at the age of 23 will no longer receive assistance that they received in previous years because he is learning Torah. This is what Bennett has done”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. Therefore the more you have been a supporter of, and beneficiary of, the Medinah, the more the Medinah makes you suffer. However if you opposed the state, and refused to accept their money, you are unaffected. So Bennett’s policy ends up hurting his friends, and helping his enemies.

    Why the central government should be paying for baby sitters is a different matter – but that’s what “nanny” states do.

  2. Gafni was mechaven to similar words said by Harav Shalom Cohen. But when said by a MK, they dont always help the situation…

  3. His continued assistance on wearing a kippa is a disgrace while he acts like a chayah raah, every second that his kipa is on he is disgracing G-d’s name–in an unpardonable chillul hashem!

  4. Can someone please explain what exactly the taina is?? I’m not bashing anyone or suggesting anyone leave yeshiva… but why is it the state’s problem that you want to sit and learn after age 22? Is it normal that Gafne expects the state to subsidize just about everything while you do absolutely nothing fro your own financial better?! What’s next, state funded steak twice a week? I simply don’t get it. Does a kesuba written for an Israel chareidi read differently than mine?? In mine it says “eizun v’afarnes…..” I will support my family, not anyone else.

  5. they are held bend on destroying the cheridi lifestyle (what the created) they do it through the bogus military requirements, but it’s outright discriminatory.

  6. What happens if only one secular parent is working & there is no IDF deferrment? Do they also get penalized or is it only directed at Kollel families? BTW you know what will happen….Kollel fathers will get some kind of part time job (at least on paper)& the problem will be averted, at least for now, until someone comes up with something else.

    Question – don’t dati leumi people learn in Kollel as well? Maybe not for ever but for a few years? Won’t this affect Bennett’s supporters too?

  7. #7 – All along, secular and D.L. parents could only get subsidized daycare if BOTH parents were working. When my husband was out of work for a year, I could not get the subsidy for my baby (I had to pay 1,300 shekel a month instead of 650). What Bennet is ending is the unfair and undemocratic privileges that Chareidi avereichim got all along.

  8. Every city/state has rules regarding subsidies for day care. Some are depended on hrs of work, single mothers, disabilities, student study hrs, military exemptions, etc.
    DO NOT believe this is an anti avreichim action since there are many avrechim outside of the Charedi world.

  9. You want more “dumb” questions on this.

    What about subsidy for a “single mother” with a job?

    Does she lose her job if she married someone in kollel?

    What happens in hareidim fail to register their marriages with the government. Then the mothers and children won’t be subject to sanactions due to the father being blacklisted.

    What if the kollel hires the young man to do some work (teach, tutor someone, empty wastebaskets, etc.).

    It would really be easier for Bennett to just propose a law to make it illegal to be a hareidi, but even with Israel’s “liberal” interpretations of human rights that would run into problems.

  10. UncleMo and others, Listen up again dear Americans, who are ignoramuses when it comes to Israeli politics such as this

    The law itself makes sense. In the US though you do get day-care benefits based on income regardless of work, and only to get cash you need to work.

    Any way, the reason why Gafni is yelling isn’t because the law doesn’t make sense, but because this is one of the age-old way for Chareidim TO GET THEIR FAIR SHARE OF TAX REVENUE,which Charedim deserve in some form or another, and by the passage of this law the Chreidim will get even less than the fraction of their fair share they get already.

  11. Uncle mo and all of you pple not understanding the chareidi plight. This is eretz yisroel.. This government is disfunctional b’hashgacha pratis. This is the land of torah. And all the money that comes in here and has come from the world even in 48 was to help jews find a place to live, preach and practice religion. Noone is to decide that there’s only one way for yiddishkeit. Especially when it is the derech hayashan v’tahar. This govt is just by the way existing because the torah learning. This is the way a govt for yidden should be run. Not only that, but all these avreichim that dont serve the army or learn. Happen to pay this govt for every small little thing in life along the way M’am. Taxes. We don’t end paying it. You can’t go to the bathroom without paying 17 percent for anything. Yes, for the fact that these are israeli citizens and they pay taxes and abide by the laws. They hvae the rights to live the way they want to . It’s none of bennets business. In addition, These laws indeed don’t make sense. I work hard for a living in eretz yisroel and because i work I’m not eligible for a price break for tuition. Only people that are “unemployed” so the rich americans that are living with maids every day and don’t need to work are getting tuition almost free. while me hard working for my bread isn’t eligible for that price break. THIS GOVT IS DISFUNCTIONAL. And by the way, there has never been such a high percentage of zilzul against yom hatzmaut from chareidim. It was always only the kanaim. This govt is dividing its pple more than ever. Even those chareidim that would go out of their way to show respect have turned the opposite way. FOr good reason.

  12. If the government provides subsidies to non-Chareidi families then they should provide the same subsidies to Chareidi families. Basically, they are discriminating against b’nai Torah. B’nai Torah pay taxes just like everyone and, therefore, they are entitled to the same subsidies as everyone else.
    Obviously, everything that’s happening is min hashamayim. Hashem is testing our commitment to Torah study. It’s our job to rise to the challenge and stay strong no matter how difficult things become. Now more than ever, we here in chutz la’aretz have to aid our brothers in Eretz Yisrael by supporting them as much as possible.

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