Satmar Rebbe Of Williamsburg Sets Price Ceiling on Purchasing a Shtreimal

satA melave malka was held this past motzei Shabbos in the main Satmar Beit Medrash in Williamsburg, a yahrzeit seuda for the previous the Beirach Moshe of Satmar ZATZAL.

The rebbe spoke of the simcha halls that were built in the community, permitting the tzibur to have chasenahs in the community at a reduced price. The rebbe then announced his new takanah pertaining to the cost of a shtreimal for a chosson.

It is reported that while in Eretz Yisrael the shtreimal is relatively inexpensive, the ones purchased in Satmar in NYC are of a special fur and can run $6,000 – 7,000. In Eretz Yisrael many purchase a synthetic shtreimal, which will cost $1,000 and far more durable in the rain.

The rebbe requested that the shtreimal for a chosson should not cost more than $2,500 and a chosson should only have one shtreimal. The rebbe added that with the assistance of askanim, he has spoken with shtreimal manufacturers and they promise to make one that will fall in this price range to accommodate the takanah.

The rebbe added that from today forward, only the father of the chosson may purchase his son a shtreimal and not the father of the kallah, as has become the custom among a growing number of families.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

23 Responses

  1. How much does the Rebbe spend on his own Shreimals ? Seems like he buys a new one for every family simcha. Anyone else see the hypocrisy ?

  2. #1 and 3. Hypocrisy? Wow! He pays not a penny! He gets them for FREE! Get your facts straight first rather than first showing disdain or hate.

    #2, I care. Setting an option for a different standard is something SOOOOO many people have benefited from. I just love this hypocrisy. If he would’ve forced people to order these shraimels or do the cheap wedding thingy, everybody would’ve been up in arms against him. These are optional and he after all just got the mfgrs to have a new line to suit the tokoneh weddings income brackets, while doing it in a way that people are not ashamed to marry off this way.

    Kudos to him, shame to the rest of us. We can do sooo much to help another yid, rather than bash another yids good deed, we should strive and ask hashem to help us replicate only the good deeds from this yid (and obviously not his imperfections), rather than bashing him altogether. I bet neither of us would pass the microscope being used on him and others to bash.

  3. You can buy a ready made shtreimel in Yerushalayim for $700. They come from Eastern Europe. What is therefore the big deal in limiting the cost to $2,500? It is not Torah l’Moshe miSinai that you need a custom made shtreimel. In chassidishe circles the kalla’s father usually buys the shtreimel and the chosson’s father deals with the sheitelach. The amounts spent usually equal out. So what is the3 chiddush here?

  4. So the Synthetic Streimels that cost $1000 in Eretz Yisroel, will now cost $2500 here?

    When does the Chosson come out of the freezer to be permitted to buy additional Streimels, costing more than $2500 each?

    I wouldn’t mind being able to afford ten of them right now. (I don’t wear a Streimel, and have no intention of buying one… I just want the money!)

  5. These posters are rude and must change especially in the areas of kovod hatorah and loshon harah. Furthermore, according to the article above, the takanah concerns only the purchase of a streimel for a chosson; it says nothing of buying a shteimel, or many shtreimals for oneself.

  6. Wow Satmar woke up to the tekonoh that the Gerrer Rebbe Ztzl Lev Simcha made over 30 years ago. A gerrer shtreimel still costs only about $1000. Wake up Hungarian Jews. You’re being taken for a ride. Many shtreimel machers now sell flat shtreimels for $1500 or less. $2500 is a tekonoh?

  7. Baruch Hashem that Klal Yisroel has Gedolei Yisroel such as the Satmar Rebbe SHLIT”A enacting takanos benefiting the klal!

  8. Just to add a note of clarity. The Gerrer Rebbe Shlita has been wearing a spudik (Polish style Shtriemel) that is half the price of the usual ones. It is made of a cheaper fur and is lighter.With the Rebbe wearing it himself , all the chasidim feel comfortable in ordering these much less expensive ones as well.

  9. Satmar always has been less than “Adam Smith” in its approach to economic issues, i.e., relying on communal authority rather than free markets.

  10. Satmar is also very famous for their generosity — giving financial assistance to *any* Jew even far from Satmar. (And besides financial, Bikur Cholim and many other chsadoim.)

  11. Borsalino is introducing a new line called the “shtreimalino”…available soon at all litvish hat stores…

    Prices begin at $239.99 for the basic models

  12. Ok, I will tell you why I dont care. When a rav publicly gets up and refers to a girl who was molested and calls her a zoinah, and when the rebbe openly gives a major baruch haba to a man who spent time in jail for trying to bribe said victim, well, enough said. But its ok as long as all the boys wear the same stupid glasses. Therefore, I dont care. period.

  13. There is no inherent kedusha in wearing or owning a shtreimel. Why not make a takana to skip wearing them entirely?

  14. Well said “BoysWork”. Besides, the amount of money spent on absurd “Anti-Israel protests” could have purchased a shtreimel for every chossid this decade thereby bringing zchus to Klal Yisroel instead of driving them apart.

  15. What is going on with the comments section here, is there no editing of the comments? If it were your godol making a takana, I don’t think you’d talk this way. During sefira too.

  16. I hope all you anti Semite satmar badges don’t ever take ill and end up in a NYC hospital because it will be SATMAR BIKUR CHOLIM there first to make sure you and your family are taken care of.

    Hope y’all tell them “no, thank you. “

  17. Takah mamash thank you, they should make a takana to drop this weird custom, its out dated, its not cool, they look weird trying to dress like the dress code of Jews and non Jews of eastern Europe two hundred years ago. Its shtusim and waste of money. Just be normal. I would say abolish hats too its not a “Jewish” dress code, they “made” it that way. Hundred years ago all Europeans and American goyim wore hats too nothing Jewish about it except for wanting to look like primitive. why don’t sephardim wear a red turban or a head wrap like the Ben ish chai’s the way they did in their native countries hundred years ago? they obviously believed its not important to make a “Jewish” or a “religious” item out of it like ashkenazim did. I would rather wear a middle eastern turban than a shtreimel, at least I know that’s still the common dress code in those countries, not like a shtreimel which doesn’t exist any where in Poland or Hungary or anywhere in Europe. The last time I checked the modern dress code of eastern Europe I didn’t see them wearing shtreimels, so who are we trying to imitate? have a little common sense.

  18. What is going on here? Where is your Kavod HaTorah and Kavod Gedolim? How can you speak that way? It might not be your custom but you still have to have respect. If the Rebbe gets free shtreimels, what is it to you? Are you losing money because of it? By making takkanos, they are easing the tzibbur financially. I am not of a chassidish background but I say Kol HaKavod for adhering to their Levush. It’s enough that the goyim hate us, we don’t need the hate and scorn from within. Satmar also has cornered the market when it comes to chesed. Visit any hospital within NY and you ll be very happy to see the chesed that goes on. Oh, and by the way, it’s sefirah. Remember the story?

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