South Africa’s ‘The Shabbos Project’ Plans World-Wide Shabbos

shabbosIn the wake of the tremendous success of South Africa’s Shabbos Project 2013 in which majority of South Africa’s mostly non-observant Jewish community kept a Shabbos together, South Africa’s Jewish community leaders have announced their intention to orchestrate a similar project on a global scale for late 2014.

Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein, the Chief Rabbi of South Africa, in a video promotion of the Shabbos Project 2014 explains how the Shabbos project received approval and admiration from Jews in communities of all kinds from all over the world and was therefore inspired to try to take the project to the next step.

“There has to be a next step,” says Rabbi Dr. Goldstein. “The next step is, in the the same way we had a Shabbos project for SA, let us all together make a Shabbos Project for the entire Jewish world. One Shabbos for the entire Jewish world altogether. That’s the vision, that’s the way forward.”

For more information, please visit the Shabbos project website available here.

(Aliza Levine – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. Kol HaKabod.
    Our Hachamim tell us that a small amount of light dispels much darkness.
    The ways of the Torah are pleasant…
    Hazak uBaruch.

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