Chassidim to the Tzibur: Don’t Dress Up Like Nach Nachim


One of the regular Purim costumes seen in Eretz Yisrael on Purim is the famous ‘Nach Nach’ yarmulkes worn by that stream of the Breslov Chassidus. These yarmulkes have נ נח נחמ נוחמן מאומן written on them.

A group of the ‘regular’ chassidim who are not avid Nach Nach followers and that the segulah is foreign to them have come out this Purim with a request, to avoid dressing up as a Nach Nach out of respect for the late tzaddik, Rav Nachman of Breslov ZATZAL for doing so is viewed as a mockery to his memory.

The pashkavilim are seen in both Hebrew and Yiddish basically call on the tzibur to avoid dressing in a way that is an affront to the tzaddik as well as a Chilul Hashem.

“אל תשחקו עם אש לוהטת, אל תכוו בביזיון כבוד הצדיק וחילול השם, חוסו על כבוד צדיקים קדושי עליון שרפי מעלה, ואל תתנו את שמם להיות למרמס ולמדרך כף רגל״!!!

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. thats the name they gave themselves. And besides na nach nachma meuman was never, even when it was first reintroduced done in a refined kadosh manner. It was a shtick graffiti. Atleast they have it in on kipot.

  2. As far as I can see in this pashkavilim they do not quote any Gedolim who are backing this request.

    This reminds me of a Maaseh Shehiya that happened in my Yeshiva. Someone posted a quote from a halachic source on the bulletin board on whether the Shliach Tzibor should say “Go’al Yisrael” out loud or not. I stood by the Mashgiach when he saw the posting and he was incensed. Back then I was surprised at the extremity of his reaction, especially since he was known to be so Aidel. Later I understood better. The Rosh Yeshiva was one of the leading poskim Hador. What right did someone have to post a halachic ruling in the Yeshivah without permission from the R”Y!?

    This pashkavilim posting is a Chutzpa! They surely did not consult any Gedolim!

  3. if the na nachs can act like idiots the whole year, so we can dress like them on Purim, only one day to act like an idiot.

  4. @interjection
    ‘regular’ chassidim mean Breslovers that are not ‘Na Nachs’. There’s a big misconception, some people think that ALL Breslover chassidim are Na Nachs, which isn’t true.

    You missed the point…..
    The regular chassidim are asking others not to get dressed up like a Na Nach, bc regular chassisdim don’t believe in Na Nach and are upset that the Na Nachs using of Reb Nachman is a big disgrace.
    So if someone dresses up like a Na Nach, they are in fact using Reb Nachman’s persona in vain.

  5. I thought the Na Nachs were descended from the ancient Jewish comedians who learned with R’ Akiva, who created the “Na Nach” jokes which we still enjoy to day.

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