Bennett Says The Chareidim are Hypocrites – Gafne Calls Bennett A Liar

benBayit Yehudi leader Minister of the Economy Naftali Bennett spoke with Kol Berama Radio on Wednesday night, the eve of 11 Adar II. Following are excerpts from the 22 minute interview.

Kol Berama:

So at the end you voted in favor.


Are you referring to the Referendum Law?

Kol Berama:

The Draft Law.


What can I say? I am in favor of it. All the talk of criminal sanctions is not as it is presented. Permit me to clarify once and for all. The issue is the result of the chareidim who want to show how harsh the law is. There are no criminal sanctions. Read the law and you will see. We are talking of a long process. Stop creating something that does not exist. You are all trying to incite the entire population. Enough! I will tell you what does exist. In the coming days all young chareidim can decide what they want. Those wishing to work may do so. Those wishing to continue learning may do so. Now there is an option. Enough!

Your askanim, the media and the political spins – it’s enough.

Kol Berama:

Please, we know each other and have mutual respect. Even MK Shaked said it was hard and she did her best but there are criminal sanctions. Either you are not in sync with here or the law changed and you are unaware.


You are trying to create a situation that does not exist. You make it sound like the police are going to enter yeshivos at any moment. This is not what is going to occur. You are playing the victim here. Let me give you a scoop.

Two weeks ago I sat with three politicians, heads of chareidi parties and they suggested that I increase the age from 22, which means the age when a young man if free to do what he wishes. They wanted to increase it to 26. I did not understand why. Do you understand my brother what I am telling you. It is a scam. They are playing the tzibur.

It is awful. The tzibur can decide as it wishes and they are duping the chareidi tzibur.

Kol Berama:

The law includes criminal sanctions. I too realize the police are not entering the yeshivos. Bottom line they do not recognize the State of Israel. You have challenged their way of life.


There is something to what you say. One checking with a magnifying glass will find something. We preferred it would not contain this. To my sorrow we did not have Likud behind us.

Kol Berama:

You didn’t need Likud. Your party has nine people, enough to topple it.


I am not talking the vote. I am speaking about in the committee. Regarding the vote we are bound by coalition loyalty.

Kol Berama:

So what is your political line? Where is the party’s red line? What do you stand for?


I believe we are here to do good for Am Yisrael. There are cynical politicians among your tzibur that are venomous in their words. Your MKs tell us the law is wonderful and in the media they raise a tumult. It’s time for Gafne to decide and stop talking to us one way and then in the media play a game.

Kol Berama:

We read the law and we know it.


No you don’t. Both Deri and Gafne told us in closed session the law is great. You were not there and you do not know. Stop crying on the radio. It’s time for them to tell the tzibur the same as they tell us.

Kol Berama:

Take a calculator and you will see we will not meet the goals and it will not work. It is as simple as that.


You do not get it. This year we have almost met our demand for the induction goal and it is working and will work in the coming years.

Kol Berama:

Then tell me about 2018. It will not work. You will not meet the goals.


I am responsible for the economy and I need to get people out working this is what is happening. No one is against yeshivos and no one, especially me, I am not against Torah.

They can turn to my office. You are an avreich and living a life of poverty. If this is your choice then continue and I love you.

Kol Berama:

But Lapid cut the child allowance and taken their bread


Not like that. I know thousands have opted to leave kollel and they are now working.

Kol Berama:

You know the numbers and the finance minister took their basics.


I understand, you are a radio host and playing the underdog. There are two options. I can give up or I can say “the state has given me opportunity to get an education to learn a skill and make a living”

Kol Berama:

Minister Bennett, there is another option


When I fall on the street I can look at those responsible for causing my collapse.

Kol Berama:

You cannot make it work by force


Stop with this. You continue repeating this because it is good for you. This is not the reality and the law opens doors that were not available before.

Kol Berama:

Why does hesder serve half the time?


It’s is only 800 talmidim of the large dati leumi community. They have paid heavily, lost many talmidim and I am very proud of them.

Kol Berama:

The number is irrelevant. It is the principle


Then build chareidi hesder yeshivos and I will support you. They lost many talmidim. You want to follow their example and serve as they do then fine with me.

I am in total agreement with you and we never would have survived all the wars and our reality without the limud Torah but we are trying to find the middle road. We did a good job. It has passed into law and I call on the tzibur. [interrupted]

Kol Berama:

Yes it passed and we are pained.


It is behind us and I am with you. If you want parnasa come to me and we will help.

Kol Berama:

What does this mean?


Any chareidi calling *5181 will be told where the nearest training center is. They will speak with him and learn his abilities and talents. He will be treated well and trained, something the non-religious do not receive. I am extending my hand to you to please come and earn a living

Kol Berama:

The tzibur is intelligence enough to know what it wants and needs


I think over the recent decades the askanim did a bad thing to the chareidi tzibur

Kol Berama:

Enough with the askanim! Do you want me to bring Gafne on the air to respond to every comment you made?

You said you believe in the value of limud Torah and the integral role it plays in our life and our survival and I really believe you. They however are making a choice. They do not want to call your number but they want to live and this is the life they have selected.

You don’t cut off one’s oxygen and then offer him assistance


The way it works is that today let’s say ten avreichim are learning. If three get up and train and begin working, because now they can, the same money remains for the others, the seven that remain so those continuing to learn will also have a better life.

We all know the truth. Now that many can get up and work they will.

Kol Berama:

You are making an incorrect assumption. I am speaking about avreichim, the older one not the teens, who are learning by choice and have no intention to go and train and begin working. They live modestly but the finance minister has now taken their meager existence.

In addition your calculation is incorrect. It does not work this way.


It does and more than this. Many want to work but were scared to enter the IDF. Now the avreichim are free to work without fear of the IDF so we did everyone a favor.

The bill passed three readings and it is law so let’s deal with the reality. I am on my way to Sderot after 60 rockets fell there.

Kol Berama:

Amazing that it occurred today. Wouldn’t you agree?


Avi please, I really love you and the tzibur. Permit me to speak to the tzibur at home. Those wishing to work, please call and we will greet you with open arms and train you and permit you to work.

Kol Berama:

Rabbi Gafne wants to respond to your word. (Bennett hangs up the phone)


He has good reason to hang up. Bennett says I agreed in the room that the law was good and then cried on the radio. So let me say this loud and clear.

I never agreed to anything, not a paragraph of this law, never. What a chutzpah. Who he is? Where does he get the nerve to tell us what is proper and good for the chareidim? He has done nothing but damage to us. Stop speaking to us. Speak to his tzibur. He has done nothing but damage. He dares to tell us the type of lifestyle we should live as if he knows better and understands.

I adamantly deny his words. I never agreed. His statements are libelous. They interviewed here on your radio station and said there would be no criminal sanctions.

Kol Berama:

This is true and it is documented


Plain and simple – he is a liar, they lie. He and Shaked said there would be no criminal sanctions. Now he wonders why unfortunately rockets are falling in the south. Nebach.

Kol Berama:

The same for Moti Yogev and Uri Ariel, for they all said there would be no criminal sanctions.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. “He and Shaked said there would be no criminal sanctions. Now he wonders why unfortunately rockets are falling in the south. Nebach.”

    Beautifully put.

  2. If you believed, as the Likud/Yesh Atid/Bayit Yehudi believed, that most hareidi are super-hawks, anxious to settle in the West Bank and kick Palestinian’s behind, and largely dependent of government benefits so they can learn all day — the Bennett would be correct and the Hareidim would be hypocrites. It turns out to be a case of someone believing their own propaganda.

    It turns out the many, perhaps most, of the hareidim were never all that zionist, and questioned whether Torah requires, or even allows, using armed force to seize Eretz Yisrael at this time, and to subjugate the goyim – but to avoid conflict were accepting “yeshiva” exemptions rather than provoke a fight by telling the zionists to their face that they were a bunch of apikoresim (Netuerei Karta would tell them to their face, but they were small enough to be ignored).

    It also turns out the leading source of parnassah for hareidim comes from money from overseas that is spent on suporting Torah institutions. As this is “new” money in a system, the classic Keynesian multiplier works very well (unlike when you use taxes to pay for a stimulus – that’s taking from one pocket to another and the multiplier is minimal), even if most of it is in an “informal” economy (in part since hareidi participation in the “official” economy is legally constrained). However the laws of economics don’t care if the economy is “informal” or “official”.

    So it turns out that Bennet is not a liar. He isn’t really evil. Like all zionists, he’s a bit of an apikores, and he is quite deluded and misinformed on the facts about the hareidi community (as are most zionists).

  3. #3 i invite you to move to Israel, until then please stop commenting on how you think Israel works, because you are very wrong!!!

  4. ואלה שמות השרים והח”כים עמוד הקלון
    ותמכו בחוק הגיוס בכפיה
    הליכוד ביתנו
    יש עתיד
    הבית היהודי
    יולי יואל אדלשטיין
    יצחק אהרונוביץ
    שמעון אוחיון
    רוברט אילטוב
    זאב אלקין
    אופיר אקוניס
    גלעד ארדן
    ג. גמליאל
    דני דנון
    צחי הנגבי
    צ. חוטובלי
    משה יעלון
    חיים כץ
    ישראל כץ
    ל. לבנת
    א. לוי-אבקסיס
    יריב לוין
    אביגדור ליברמן
    עוזי לנדאו
    ס. לנדבר
    בנימין נתניהו
    גדעון סער
    חמד עמאר
    משה זלמן פייגלין
    פ. קירשנבאום
    מ. רגב
    דוד רותם
    ראובן ריבלין
    יובל שטייניץ
    סילבן שלום
    יאיר שמיר
    ק. אלהרר
    י. גרמן
    רונן הופמן
    בועז טופורובסקי
    מאיר כהן
    ע. לביא
    מיקי לוי
    דב ליפמן
    יאיר לפיד
    שמעון סולומון
    שי פירון
    יעקב פרי
    ר. פרנקל
    ע. קול
    ר. קלדרון
    י. קריב
    יואל רזבוזוב
    עפר שלח
    פ. תמנו-שטה
    אורי אורבך
    אורי יהודה אריאל
    אלי בן-דהן
    נפתלי בנט
    אבי וורצמן
    מרדכי יוגב
    זבולון כלפה
    ש. מועלם-רפאלי
    א. סטרוק
    ניסן סלומינסקי
    א. שקד
    צ. לבני
    עמרם מצנע
    עמיר פרץ
    דוד צור
    מאיר שטרית
    אלעזר שטרן

  5. THIS is the biggest HA, HA, HA I have ever heard from Gafne. The years of the Lebanon war when learning was supreme, no challenges, no draft law, the rockets ranged down on Tsfat, Sderot, Ashkelon and Beer Sheva…so what is the connection Navi Gafne???

    “anxious to settle in the West Bank” – and build huge communities of Betar, Kiryat Sefer, Ramat Shlomo and Nvei Yakov (just a small sampling)

    “Bottom line they do not recognize the State of Israel”. – That is a choice that people can make to recognize the State of Israel or not except when you are a resident, citizen or part of the population, laws and regulations are there. In America the choice is not, whether to pay taxes or not, whether to send your child to school or not, whether to register and insure your car or not, whether to build or extend your home or not….there are laws to be followed or consequences to deal with. Perhaps now is the time for emigration and building communities in England, Switzerland or Canad.

  6. Not a great interview Bennett sounded completely unprepared for those questions. He seemed annoyed and confused a Haredi radio station would even question this process. In addition he seems to be under the misguided notion that that this is now over and done with rather than this just being the beginning of a very complicated process.

    Still it doesnt change the fact that the status quo must change and the focus should not be on trying to keep a broken system going until it fully stalls. Tax Cuts and Child Allowance cuts must be made because the money isnt there and will be increasing less so as the community requiring it increases. The Haredi community no must draw reasonable red lines and conditions which it requires for this to work.

  7. Bennett was way too nice and charitable.. I would of said
    Do you want me to install videos in every charedi yeshiva so we can who comes when and how long they stay by the gammarra for
    Do you want videos of all the leydiger guys on the streets of Bnei Brak posted on websites for the world to see
    Do you want me to send learned guys to the yeshivas and randomly question avreichim on what they are learning
    Do you want me to show the world what con-artists many charedim are

  8. dude- i dare you to put in one video in any of our major yeshiva gedolos youd be floored by the hasmadah the mentschlechkeit the kiddush hashem the ahavas hatorah you big mouth oisvorf

  9. Hey dude!
    You can install cameras throughout Tel Aviv, Haifa, etc. Let’s see how many secular leidigeyers hang around without reporting to the IDF, and they still manage to get some sort of govt benefits.

  10. galicianer: Very few secular Jews would ever consider living under a non-zionist (i.e. Arab) regime. At the very least they would the laws against indecent exposure and unnatural “you know what” to be unbearable. They are hardly a threat to Israel’s survival. If forced to choose between being non-frum Israelis or Palestinian Hareidim, most hareidim would have no problem with the latter. The Palestinians (most of whom know Hebrew) fully see what is happening, and if the Hareidi can’t find allies (such as the left wing parties) to end conscription, the Arabs can do the math (in a one-state solution, zionists would lose) .There is a lot more on the line than many hilonim, and many hareidim, realize. Bennett and Lapid may have started a process that at least will undermine the nationalist block in Israeli politics, and many derail the zionist movement.

  11. #14 – i know my fair share of charedim in Israel, being that i live among them and consider myself one of them. I dont believe anyone wants to live under Palestinian rule, even the Arabs dont want to live under Palestinian rule!! Many Israeli’s, and Charedim,would just like to see leadership that holds Torah to be the ultimate truth, be they zionists (whom you love to hate) or otherwise. The Sinah you show for fellow Jews, even if they might be Zionists and doing negative things, is appalling. They might be wrong but they are Jews, and if we treated them with a little respect maybe they wouldnt try to destroy the Torah way of life.

  12. Rewriting of history has been a favorite of many modern day writers.

    INFIDELS – INFIDELS- will be cleansed from the area. No JEWS living in Arab countries, we are not in the 1900 hundreds when Jews lived somewhat safely in Egypt, Irag and Iran. Over, done with,,,,

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