R’ David Yosef: Mizrachim are the Enemy of Yiddishkheit

dyoRabbi David Yosef Shlita, a member of Shas Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael, commented that the “Mizrachim are the big enemy of Yiddishkheit”. Kikar Shabbos reports Rav Yosef made the comment on Wednesday while speaking with senior Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael member Rabbi Shalom Cohen Shlita, with Rav Yosef adding “The hate of the am haaretz for a talmid chacham, mamosh like this”, adding they are in the category of ‘מי ייתן לי תלמיד חכם ואנשכנו כחמור’”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

25 Responses

  1. At best this is Lashon Hara. I don’t understand how a comment made from Gadol to another can be quoted out of context by YWN. It’s this type of thing that causes divisiveness in Klal Yisrael and it is the opposite of what Purim is all about. There are many people that wouldn’t be exposed to this most unworthy news if it wouldn’t be posted here. In the spirit of Purim and spreading love and brotherliness please take this article down. Thank You!

  2. I am very tired of the constant barrage of lashon hara coming out of rabbis mouths. That was a vile, unacceptable statement.

    And when I look at the comments on this website, I see too many others begin to mimic their rabbis. They are routinely calling politicians, rabbis, soldiers, “Zionists”, the entire Dati Leumi community, and eachother the foulest of names: rasha, enemy, fool, anti-semite.

    It’s hard to listen to the constant stream of sewage.

  3. I would like to second the comments of the rav shlita. no he is not my rav and i am not a sephardi. the dati leumi cause us only tzaros they have no musag of keser shel torah u’mee yeitein ve’aneshcheunu kechamor i would like to remind the oilam what rav chaim said recently besheim the chazon ish

    הגר”ח השי: ,תדע לך שדודי ה’חזון איש’ זצ”ל כבר אמר ש”עם החופשיים היינו מסתדרים, אבל המזרחי מקלקלים הכל תמיד. כל הצרות מגיעות מהמעשים שלהם, כך אמר ה”חזון איש”.

  4. I would imagine the Rov Shlita should know of the words of Tosafos in Kesubos who writes that Rabbi Akiva’s statement of biting like a donkey, and hatred of Torah scholars was a direct result of the disrespect and arrogance that the Talmedei Chachomim treated those less knowledgable. We should learn from past mistakes. Always remeber when you point at others 3 fingers are pointing back at you.

  5. We are our worst enemy. Mizrachim are also Jews. I am a very frum person but showing so much hatred shows that they them self are not frum. We need the geulah to show them the right derech and it is not through hatred.

  6. Even less impressive than not removing this post is that you didn’t post me last comment that at least defended the Kavod of the Gedolim!

  7. I would imagine the Rov Shlita should know of the words of Tosafos in Kesubos who writes that Rabbi Akiva’s statement of biting like a donkey, and hatred of Torah scholars was a direct result of the disrespect and arrogance with which the Talmedei Chachomim treated those less knowledgable. We should learn from past mistakes. Always remember when you point at others 3 fingers are pointing back at you. – See more at: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/headlines-breaking-stories/219932/r-david-yosef-mizrachim-are-the-enemy-of-yiddishkheit.html#comment-484755

  8. To all concerned we should b careful what we say but unfortunayely many mizrachi have some very different shitos that dont seem to conform to basic halocho. Theres a difference between doing a sin and having krum hashkofo

  9. I know what the Rav means, but I find it ironic that technically he is a Mizrachi himself, as his family come from the Mizrach of E”Y.

  10. Do you know why bnei akiva is called bnei akiva and not bnei rabbi akiva? Because they are the children of the first forty years when rabbi akiva said that’s what he thought about talmidei chachamim before he began learning torah.
    But none of this will accomplish anything. What’s really needed is that the whole torah world begin thinking about a party that includes all supporters of torah including the torani dati leumi. That would comprise about 30 members perhaps forming the largest party in Israel. Then they will be able to accomplish real change.

  11. Statements like these make you ponder for a moment, WHO from the Mizrachi kehilla have they met? associated with? spent time learning/davening with?

    Every kehilla, the Charedei one too, has extremists and attention grabbers, there have many examples of Mizrachi loud mouths and Charedei extremists!!!!

    Has Rav Dovid Yosef ever spent a shabbos in Ranana, Rosh Pina, Gilo, Efrat, etc… and talk with the residents, visited their schools, etc? I think we all know the answer to this question.. therefore all aliens have green noses and purple limbs….

  12. The Dati Leumi are not “Am ha-arets”. Their rabbanim are Bnei Torah. If indeed, Bennett and his friends in Bayit Yehudi are in fact representative of the Mizrahi (Dati Leumi) movement, they are apikoresim (heretics).

    Of course, it could be that next election there will be a pro-Torah backlash within the Dati Leumi community, and that community will support a set of leaders that supports Torah. We shouldn’t really judge the whole community on the basis of their current team in the Kenesset. The same holds true for the other Shomer Shabbos supporters of the coalition parties (though the members had a chance to break away and vore for Torah and didn’t, the voters still can speak next election by switching allegiance to a pro-Torah party since in all fairness, Bennett and Netanyahu were not openly anti-Torah in the last campaign). We should keep an open mind that perhaps not all hiloni Israelis are out to destroy us, at least for the time being.

  13. to bklynmom–
    i HAVE actually spent a Shabbos in Efrat. All I can say is Rachman Litzlan. The chillul Shabbos that the youth there engage in as a matter of course is not to be believed. And the worst of it is that the community has come to accept it as “just the way things are”. I personally think that in another generation there wont be any Mizrachi to speak of. They are all becoming Chilonim.

  14. Y y b – sheker – absolute sheker. All the children? Some of the children? Small subset of the children? Which above would you qualify your statement with? If it’s a small subset of children, then know that the same takes place in the best of Chareidi families. The opposite is taking place, there are more dati Leumi today then there was s generation ago. We will see a backlash against what bayit hayehudi is doing. Unfortunately, they didn’t do it for the draft law. But there are a lot of very good dati-leumi people out there.

  15. There is no question that even here in america the so called modern orthodox,open orthodox,knitted kippah crowd has caused a churbon. We see them giving smicha to women and running so called orthodox feminist conventions where they include mishkov zochor workshops. They are far worse than reform or conservative. They are a danger to authentic judaism.

  16. Y Y B
    Sorry that u had a negative experience–since I avoid negativity I will not gear u to the communities where the Charedi youth rock thru out the night.
    Try next YAD Binyamin for a shabbs and daven with Rav Tal’s yeshiva.

  17. Tosfos is clear that r akiva rhougjt he was looked down upon because if separation that was kept as per halacha whichHE did not understand. So please dont take gemara to further ur own narrowminded agenda

  18. Our nation is falling apart.
    Are people not terrified now that we have a situation where ‘gedolim’ have nothing more valuable to say than random, generalised loshon hara about a whole community?
    We are about to celebrate Purim, but to be honest, it seems that we are living in the pre-nes situation with regards to the lack of unity in am yisroel.

  19. mr. charlie hall: the daati never have been supportive of chareidim.

    doesn’t the rov mean daati rather than mizrachim?

  20. Very sad, as someone who has been to moshavim and yishuvim including gush katif, Shiloh, chevron, efrat, and 10 more places for weekends, it is black and white, the mizrachi changed the Torah to fit the life they chose to live, yes they have many many talmud scholars BUT they also erased some basic halachas, now erasing even 1 Halacha makes u an apikores.

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