Degel MKs Respond to Passing of Draft Law

degMK Rabbi Moshe Gafne responded to the Knesset’s expected approval of the draft bill, passing it into law.

“This is a dark day for the State and Government and State of Israel. It is abundantly clear that if not for the connection between these three bills and the specific interest of each of the three main coalition partners this severe bill would not have been passed into law. The law will do nothing regarding induction for a single ben yeshiva will not be inducted into the army or national service – not today and not in the coming years. This represents gouging out the eyes of the chareidi tzibur, particularly the public assault on those studying Torah, harm that no other country in the world would do” he added.

With today’s vote (draft law) the state lost its right to call itself a Jewish State of a democratic state. These types of decisions are appropriate in a totalitarian regime which totally ignores the will of a large segment of population in the country that lives here and gives to the nation in its way, in areas others do not assist”.

“The chareidi tzibur will not forget or forgive the prime minister and his partners, that on 10 Adar II 5774, on a dark painful day, the State of Israel crudely trampled the delicate texture between the various communities in Israel.”

MK Rabbi Yaakov Litzman added “Prime Minister Netanyahu abandoned the chareidim and delivered a blow to the rights of bnei yeshivos who learn as their fulltime profession. We will not forgive or forget. This is a disgrace by most of the members of Bayit Yehudi that are a partner to this historic injustice that has their name written to is because of the serious blow the lomdei Torah”.

MK Rabbi Yaakov Asher added “In the spirit of these days I say to Lapid ‘מרדכי לא יכרע ולא ישתחווה’ and to Bennett ‘רווח והצלה יעמוד ליהודים ממקום אחר’ and you and your parties will lose the Israeli public”. To the prime minister I add ‘מרדכי אשר החילות לנפול לפניו לא תוכל לו כי נפול תיפול לפניו’”

MK Rabbi Uri Maklev added “The share the burden law will not diminish or add to the Laws of the Torah and our imperative and obligation to toil in this. Out entire right, existence and proprietary moral values are just because of Torah Yisrael, and through this we have a right to Eretz Yisrael. At this time we have accepted the burden or Torah study which is more compelling for us, and with Siyata Dishmaya we will stand by it. The State of Israel is seeking to undermine the bedrock of our existence, and it operates under the sovereignty and rule that is not legitimate, a narrow and evil country such as this. Who would have believed that the draft law and its ramifications for lomdei Torah that lead to imprisonment, and classify them as criminals would pass, by the voices of the Bayit Yehudi and bayit chiloni.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. The reaction of chareidim and their leadership has been so extreme that I think there will be no stopping a spiritual war now. The chilonim will not forget either and we will see blood in the streets. I firmly believe that. And this for astand that is not even ToraHdig! The whole thing is a disgrace!

  2. The Hareidi parties that sit in the Kenesset are largely discredited. For 65 years they supported the zionists. They proudly pointed to how generous the zionists were in supporting Torah. Now they have been stabbed in the back. The best they can hope for is a deal with one side or the other to prevent penal sanctions.

    The Hareidim who consistently opposed the state and refused to become addicted to its money are now rising to the top. The moderates who two years ago were encouraging non-students to join the army, now call on all to avoid the army. The moderates allied with the very same nationalists who insisted on a law that makes learning Torah a crime in Eretz Yisrael. By revitalizing the anti-zionists hareidim, the zionists have kicked the ball into their own goal (as they say in soccer).

  3. Those who offered UGANDA instead of Eretz Yisroel made such an offer for those who are mechalel shem shumayim by going against Torah

  4. #1, I am not sure what planet you are living on. Here in Yerushalayim 700,000 of us said:“Hareini mokhel l’khol mi she’hikh’is v’hiknit osi… bein b’oness, bein b’ratzon; bein b’shogeig, bein b’meizid…” at the atzeres.

    We bear no ill will to the oerwhelming majority of people, many of whom are in the category of tinok shenishba, and others to whom we have not shown sufficient ahavas yisroel. There will be no blood, and no war.

    This extraordinary confluence of such disparate forces in the knesset to pass this bill that many of them disapproved us can only be a direct message from Hashem.

    My grandchildren are looking forward to the opportunity to be mekadeish shem shamayim and have the mesiras nefesh to go learn in jail. I am jealous of not having that opportunity.

    When the government sees that the gedolim will stop anyone from registering for the draft, and when they will be forced to put 3- 5,000 17 year olds in jail now when that happens, they may realized that they have reached the end of the road. What are their choices? put all those boys in jail? for how long? in not too long of a time they will realize that a) this isn’t working and b) it is a massive unnecessary expense and burden and c) they are not accomplishing their goals.

    Chilonim will realize that they too can get out of the army like this….. and the army will have a massive catastrophe–[ and maybe become a volunteeer army and not draft].
    but one thing is clear: the achdus, the learning and the davening here has never been better- and the more they emulate the egyptians, persians and greek– the better we will become. Baruch Hashem.

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