Ambassador Danny Ayalon Assails UN Policy of Injustice in YouTube Film


Amidst increasing international pressure against Israel and intensifying calls for commercial boycotts of the Jewish State, former Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the United States Danny Ayalon has released a new You Tube video entitled “The Truth About the UN.”

The film, launched earlier this week, is designed to raise awareness about the United Nation’s history of systematic and disproportionate policies of biased attacks on Israel. According to the film, some 85 percent of resolutions adopted by the international body are against Israeli interests.

“The reality is that the UN is a recognized as the legitimate international governing organization and their voice therefore holds considerable sway,” Ambassador Ayalon says. “The obvious conclusion reached by people is that the UN’s history of anti-Israel resolutions must be based in fact and are in the interests of the world community. Nothing could be further from the truth.”

Ambassador Ayalon is the Founder of The Truth About Israel, a public diplomacy (hasbara) organization designed to promote the reality of Israel’s policies and existence. In recent years he has released several highly popular You Tube educational videos garnering millions of views. His efforts are largely focused on exposing global hypocrisy and injustice regarding Israel, with the goal of more effectively swaying public opinion in Israel’s direction.

“The current international climate is looking for every possible reason to lambast Israel and most of the attacks are completely based in lies with the UN being one of the most active forces driving these untruths,” he says. “We are facing an increasing onslaught and it is our responsibility to fight back with the truth and demand that the UN serve as the international leader it was intended to be and act with dignity and responsibility.”

The film, at just under five minutes, provides a brief history of why the UN has succeeded in promoting such an anti-Israel bias and become a “theater of the absurd,” as Ambassador Ayalon describes it. It further reveals how the UN is governed by an automatic Arab majority and therefore fails to act with any spirit of justice or equality for its members.

“The United Nations has created an illusion in all too many parts of the world that it is a truly diverse body that promotes world peace and human rights. But with Israel being on the constant defensive, there is no denying that the UN has lost any real hope for legitimacy and this is a message that demands to be heard.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. On the surface John Kerry using Chicago style politics to not so subtly threaten a purportedly close ally with basically economic sanctions for not giving away sovoreign territory is perhaps unprecedented.
    Lets take a different angle.
    It says in the Torah “those who bless you shall be blessed those who curse you shall be cursed”. This promise like all others in the Torah has been unfailingly accurate. Starting with Egypt which was the pinnacle of civilization with Yoseph running the show and hosting the Shivtei kah cue the persecution and the have never been anything since. See Rome, Babylon, Greece, Spain.
    2014 we have Israel ironically enough historically criminalizing limud Torah. And this weird boycott talk….

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