Being a Posek for the Mossad

mossWhile in past years religious agents of the Mossad Intelligence Agency would pose Halachic issues to the IDF Chief Rabbi, today there are too many Torah observant agents. According to Maariv, this has compelled the intelligence agency to put a rabbi on staff, permitting agents to address their Halachic issues including Shabbos and kashrus on a mission.

The rav also addresses questions pertaining to what is and not permitted in the course of their professional operations. The current rav, who remains nameless, and former IDF Chief Rabbi Avichai Ronsky have had to address kashrus and Shabbos issues for agents operating in hostile countries.

Needless to say these rabbonim encounter some unique sheilos which are not likely to be appearing in any Shu’t in the near future.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. To Hill of Beans — imagine that Dovid Hamelech was our current leader. Would we still have a secret service / Mossad? If yes, would they also not need a posek? Is your point that most of the operatives are not religious? or do you think that for pikuach nefesh all is mutar, so even frum operative would never need to ask a shayla? Please clarify.

    Thank you.

  2. To #1:

    Why do you think that the Pope needs a posek?

    Seriously, you complain that the medina is oppressing the frum olam. But when the medina gives them jobs you complain still. Enough kvetching.

  3. “today there are too many Torah observant agents. According to Maariv, this has compelled the intelligence agency to put a rabbi on staff,”

    today there are so many…. IT SHOULD BE WRITTEN

    “Needless to say these rabbonim encounter some unique sheilos which are not likely to be appearing in any Shu’t in the near future.”

    shaalos uteshuvos

    to the commentator who wrote against halacha and rabbinic leadership being neccesary in the mossad.

    when i was on massada there is a place that invites people to write for themselves a letter in a sefer torah..

    the scribe told me this specific torah is being written here. and is the first commissioned torah being written for use by the SHABA”K the GSS israels general security services. soo there is turnings going on…

  4. Even if the only shailoh is how to manage potential agunah situations for married agents, they need a Possek. Even if that were the ONLY question. Imagine…just use your little thinking cap, Hill o’ Beans…how many shailos really arise.

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