NYC Human Rights Commission Settles Lawsuit With Hasidic Store Owners Over Dress Code Posters

The NYC Human Rights commission and 7 Hasidic store owners in Williamsburg settled Tuesday the lawsuit, in which the City attempted to raise the fines against the Williamsburg shop owners from a collective $2,500 dollars to a whopping $75,000 Dollars, for alleged discrimination.

The commission decided to withdraw the lawsuit Tuesday after the city and representatives from the stores came to an agreement that if they were to post new signs in their windows, they would note that while modest dress is appreciated, all individuals are welcome to enter the stores free from discrimination.

NYC Human Rights Commissioner Patricia L. Gatling issued the following statement to YWN:

“Today, the NYC Commission on Human Rights settled the cases it had filed in August 2012 against seven businesses on Lee Avenue in Williamsburg, Brooklyn based on gender and religious discrimination — the posting of signs in the store windows that discriminated against women,” said NYC Human Rights Commissioner Patricia L. Gatling. “The NYC Human Rights Law prohibits discrimination in public accommodations, such as stores, and the posting of advertisements that express a preference or limitation based on a membership in a protected class. Pursuant to the proposed agreement, representatives from the stores agreed that if they were to post new signs in their windows, they would say that while modest dress is appreciated, all individuals are welcome to enter the stores free from discrimination. The Commission is satisfied that the store owners understand their obligations under the NYC Human Rights Law – the nation’s strongest civil rights law that protects those who live, work in or visit New York City from discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations. “

Mayor Bill de Blasio did not comment on the issue at a press conference in the blue room at City Hall this morning, since the facts were not known to him at the time. But he did say, “We want to respect every community in everything we do.”

Nonetheless, the mayor added, “We also have laws that we are here to uphold.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

9 Responses

  1. The stores will now post signs requiring modest dress. In the fine print they will have to write:

    “We appreciate your entering our store in modest clothing. All individuals are welcome to enter the stores free from discrimination. These modesty requirements apply equally to all customers of all religions and races.”

  2. Because they knew they didn’t have a leg to stand on….This is one the more vile cases brought against the Jewish community in recent years. It resolution hopefully sets a precedent – Don’t pursue US, we put our trust into Hashem, NOT the city of NY.

  3. I think I will sue the city for taking away my rights to be an overweight slob by denying me the right to purchase a 124 oz sugary drink in a restaurant. I will ask them to change the legislation to read, while we would prefer that you not be an overweight zhlub, you are free to purchase any size drink with any amount of sugar.

  4. So, when will they go after the Waldorf Astoria and their famous “Peacock Alley” restaurant. This is the dress code policy posted on their reservations site:

    “Business, chic and elegant attire.”

    so, are they now required to serve me if I show up in a ratty t-shirt and torn jeans even though their preference is to serve only those dressed in Business, chic and elegant attire?

  5. This is exactly what I expected from the double talking dunce, named DeBlasio!
    We have got to get a woman to show up at DeBlasio’s press meeting, dressed like a perutza, and lets see what happens! This is so clearly a biased against the Frum Community, its pathetic! Every Company, including banks, should all be fined for having “dress codes”. How can they force their employee’s to dress modestly? What a double standard! DeBlasio should be ashamed of himself!

  6. The frum community should demand that the state amend the Human Rights Law to guaranty a right for an individual or prive business to insist on modest clothing. If we don’t insist that this be seen as a right, there will be laws in places dominated by seculars (especially those with Jewish ancestors) banning modest clothing. This should be the first question we ask Democrats such as Hikind and Greenfield when they want to talk about patronage they attract.

  7. No. 5: I believe this case was brought by the Bloomberg administration, and the persons on the Human Rights Commission were appointed before the start of the DeBlasio administration. So please be careful about who you call a dunce – you might actually be talking about someone very close to you.

  8. nfgo3,

    Bloomingidiotberg or DeBlasio, big deal! They are both nanny state liberals who, like you, think the govt is the answer to everything. In fact, govt is the answer, THE WRONG ANSWER!

  9. No. 8: So I guess you are OK with a sign in a store window that says, “We do not check for shatnez – if that bothers you, don’t shop here.”

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