Lapid: Bennett is No Longer a Brother – Demoted to Cousin

labeWhen asked recently to comment on the relationship with Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett, Finance Minister Yair Lapid stated jokingly “He has been demoted to cousin. He is no longer a brother. I never had a cousin before”.

Lapid was participating in a forum in the Eretz Yisrael Museum addressing the recent announcement by the Chief Rabbis of Israel, that they support the long-standing psak Halacha prohibiting women from serving in the IDF. Lapid called their announcement “a stain on the Chief Rabbinate… it does not bring kovod to Yiddishkheit and I will work to have them dismissed”.

Lapid explained the chief rabbis are state employees and such a position is unacceptable. “For example, Major-General Orna Barvibai should not serve” he asked, referring to the chief of personnel branch.

Lapid then shifted attention to what he calls “the many mashgichim that travel abroad frequently.” He feels that Bennett is the Minister of Religious Services and Minister of Economy, adding he expects Bennett’s cooperation to stop this.

Lapid added that if he really wanted to push the matter, he could have been foreign minister but he opted for finance minister because he promised voters to address lowering the cost of living. He stated that he was not going to levy value added tax on fruits and vegetables for this is one of the state’s symbols of defense for the poor and while some of the state symbols are costly, it will remain in place.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. “the many mashgichim that travel abroad frequently.”

    What is he talking about? Kashrus Mashgichim? They have to travel abroad. That is part of their job.

  2. “Lapid added that if he really wanted to push the matter, he could have been foreign minister but he opted for finance minister because he promised voters to address lowering the cost of living.”

    Really? Didn’t he also promise/say that an expert and not him should be finance minister before the elections?
    Too bad no one talks back at him well at these functions…

  3. Pretty boy has a serious problem. This is the first time in his life that he has a real job and it is getting to him. He has to show up on time and has real responsibilities. At first, it was probably a lot of fun. He could play at being an adult and at having serious opinions but lately it is WORK. So he is pulling the usual Israeli act of trying to get himself fired so he can get all sorts of benefits and avoid the stigma of being seen as a looser. It seems that every day he does something to insult a major sector that supports the Government or makes impossible demands. It will not be very long before he leaves the coalition and returns to his more comfortable and familiar situation of being a talking head. The sooner the better.

  4. Lapid the comedian is showing his arrogant and bloated ego once again. Although he is a shallow, hating person, he is still our brother. Our cousins are the Arabs. Does he feel closer to them?

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