MK Moses: The State of Israel is a Bolshevik Dictatorship

moses“A country that abuses chareidim and their children is not democratic as it purports to be called, the only democracy in the Mideast, but dictatorial and Bolshevik” stated MK Rav Menachem Eliezer Moses on Tuesday, 28 Teves 5774. His harsh remarks were in reference to the cancelation of the Nahari Law which obligated local government to take part in funding utility costs for chareidi schools. With the abolishment of the law, local government will no longer pay a portion of electric, and water costs for chareidi schools nor will it pay for janitorial services as was the case in the past. This pleases yet and additional burden on chareidi mosdos.

“Tomorrow is January 1st” shouted Moses, “and it will be inscribed as a dark day for the chareidi children that do not receive electricity, water, cleaning and janitorial services in their schools”.

“These very chareidi schools which are recognized but not part of the official system use a Ministry of Education approved curriculum. Only a Bolshevik state impoverishes large families simply because they are chareidi, because of their faith and their lifestyle or perhaps because they yearn to raise children without violence in their schools, without alcoholic beverages and without hitting their teachers.

“We will endure this blow too with Hashem’s help but I ask where are all those who are concerned with the rights of children. Beginning on January 1st these children will be exploited and deprived of these basic services. This is awful, an embarrassment to the government and prime minister that do not bother lifting a finger for these children.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. MK Moses’ use of ‘Bolshevik’ is incorrectly applied. The Medina is not advocating abrupt, forceful seizure of power by the proletariat. He merely sugarcoated his disbelief that even a G-d-less, Torah-hating government, ostensibly run by Jews, could pull its support from Torah mosdos.

  2. What about the parents financing the children,why does he keep mentioning that others should pay for them when they have parents to pay he doesnt make sense,or he thinks others are here to serve his lifestyle,then i say he mk is a vile vicious person.

  3. What is the basis of this law? Are utilities ONLY not paid to Charedi schools or all private schools? Does it have to do with registration or curriculum or plain old Charedi discrimination?

  4. arizona–There is no one less g-d less then someone who doesnt want to support his children and wants others to support it for him you cant get lower then that.

  5. jomadar: You want to punish kids because their parents don’t go to the army? You want to punish kids because their parents don’t salute the party komissars? Nice.

    charliehall: It should be obvious (or I guess not) that the secular Zionist elite is trying to accomplish the same thing that the Bolsheviks did: get everyone to think and act alike in service of Party and country. And destroy Torah. But you’re free to put your head in the sand if you wish.

  6. Unfortunately Israel is a democracy. The Bolsheviks never won a Democratic election (and when the finally called one in the late 20th century, they lost). You can’t blame the Russian people for what the Communists did, since they didn’t elect them (by comparison, both Germany and Japan freely elected the regimes that started World War II). The Israelis freely elected the zionists, and the majority clearly support the policy of persecution of the hareidim. You can blame the Bolsheviks excesses on the Communist Party, whereas the anti-Torah policy of the zionists need to be attributed to the secular Israeli population as a whole.

    The Israeli people are predominantly zionists, and the whole idea oz zionism, going back to Herzl and Ben Gurion, was to create a state where Jews would be free from the yoke of Torah. They thought that if they humored the hareidim they would finally get the message and at least cut back on Yiddishkeit to a tolerable level (similar to the “modern orthodox” or “date leumi”). The hareidim, some of whom naively thought the zionists were giving the money because the realized the importance of Torah, never got the message, and the zionists are switched to more direct measures to coerce the hareidim to adopt zionist lifestyles.

    Note that the whining complaints seem to be coming from some “M.K.” or another, meaning these are the people who sought and accepted zionist money, and now are facing the worst consequences. To use an apt metaphor from western literature, they made a deal with the devil (money in return for political support), and now the devil demands his due.

  7. whereas the anti-Torah policy of the zionists need to be attributed to the secular Israeli population as a whole.

    Inaccurate, if you check out the voting patterns and coalition and who is voting or supporting what!!

    #8″The State is ONLY paying for the Chiloni schools utilities”—-IN OTHER WORDS all religious schools including Dati Leumi, Torani, Religious private are all on their OWN,,,,not only Charedi schools?????

  8. “cut back on Yiddishkeit to a tolerable level (similar to the “modern orthodox” or “date leumi”)” is a quote from Akuperma.

    My brother is a Rav in E”Y who is a marbitz Torah all day. Halevai, you should be “cut back” on Torah as much as he (the Dati Leumi, MO Rav) does.

    He actually learns the Torah and performs the mitzvos that you forever write about on this site! FAKER!!

  9. All those who are using the toreh as a copout are beyond the pale,i am plainly saying if someone has children he is responsible for their upbringing and no one else,sure there are people who are sick croippled that need help i am all for it,but those that are able boddied should support their children no excuses for not working if you bring children into this world.

  10. Rebbe Yid-If you cant see the obvious then i cannot say anything to you that you will accept,it is very clear to rational people that i am talking about working and being responsible for you re own family for sustanance,you putting words into my mouth you can do social work if you dont want to go into the army but no you want others to listen to youre grievances but you dont give a dammn about others grievances,learning just toreh is not for everyone the great rabbis worked and supported themselfs while learning toreh it is a crime to want others to support youre lifestyle i wont go for it.

  11. Yanky55 – then why does your brother begrudge people learning Torah all day, and wanting their children to grow up to be bnei Torah who see Torah and MItsvos as the focal point of their lives – since unless your brother voted for one of the two hareidi lists in the last election, he is to blame for the persecution of the Bnei Torah in Eretz Yisrael? Israel is a democracy, and if anyone voted for any of the zionist parties, such as Yesh Atid, Likud, Bayit Yehudi or Labor, etc. (all of which include shomer Shabbos supporters and MKs), you are to blame for the growing policy of harassment and persecution of the hareidim.

  12. #8 Interesting comment…if you knew what you are talking about.

    Chareidi schools have been funded from day one. Are you saying that when cuts need to take place, they should be exempt and everyone else bear the burden for that too? They even cut the IDF, a dangerous thing to do.

    Part of the problem is the insane comments from Chareidi leadership and their MK’s. They are like the Arabs, always inciting something. It’s disgusting and embarrassing. If MK Moses thinks it’s so bad, why not resign and give up his big salary and perks?

  13. Rebbe Yid also needs to meet some survivors of the real Bolsheviks. Particularly the ones who lost family members to them.

    Akuperma, the Bolsheviks allowed a free and fair election on November 25, 1917 for a Constituent Assembly. They got 23% of the vote. The largest party, with 41% of the vote and a majority of the Deputies to the Assembly, was a group called the Socialist Revolutionaries. Their base was rural; the Bolshevik base was urban. The Socialist Revolutionaries were well known for their political assassinations. In short, 64% of Russians voted for people whom we could accurately call terrorists. The Constituent Assembly met for 13 hours before the Bolsheviks forced its dissolution, and as you point out the next free election in Russia would be in the 1990s. Contrary to popular opinion, Jews played little role in either the Bolsheviks or the Socialist Revolutionaries; most Jewish socialists were members of Jewish socialist parties.

  14. Akuperma- Because my brother CORRECTLY believes that the same way he and his sons served in the IDF and none have been corrupted (as you falsely claim happens all the time), so should everyone else’s boys.

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