Ketzaleh Remains Critical of Minister Bennett’s Derech

bennFormer MK Yaakov Katz (Ketzaleh) was interviewed on Galei Yisrael Radio and commented on the Bayit Yehudi party and its leader, Minister Naftali Bennett. “I think he is an excellent politician and time will tell how he will be judged.”

Katz was asked about the last prisoner release approved by the cabinet, and he feels Bayit Yehudi’s continued relationship with Lapid is far more serious and the continued relationship with Lapid “has distanced many of our supporters” Katz added.

Katz, a member of the Dati Leumi Torani community continues to speak out against Bayit Yehudi’s coalition with Yesha Atid, and Bennett’s ambition to become the next prime minister. Katz fears that as a result of Bennett trying to gain popularity to achieve his humble goal, he is directing the party on a path that is increasingly popular among non-religious citizens at the expense of the frum community and mosdos Torah. He cited the cuts in funding for chareidi and dati leumi yeshivos, adding, “The affront does not just hit our pockets but our hearts as well.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Ketzeleh is a great man who deserves much hakaras hatov for his mesirus nefesh on behalf of Klal Yisrael, but unfortunately on the subject of Naftali Bennett and HaBayit HaYehudi he is on the wrong side of halacha, hashkafa and history. It is easy to choose a target and be a constant critic, but to offer real solutions to real problems is another level altogether. I have yet to hear anything concrete with regards to the real socioeconomic issues facing Israelis today from the likes of R. Tau, R. Lior, Ketzeleh and all the other Chardalim who vocally criticize Bennett. And it would seem that at least based on election results (granted a metric that can easily waver) most of the non-chareidi Torah community favors Bennett over his armchair critics. Over several elections the Ketzeleh crowd has only been able to garner less than a handful of seats. Even the detestable Tzipi Livni has been able to carry more votes.

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